Counselling Code : V I T B
Accredited by NAAC 'A+'(3.51 CGPA) & NBA

Publications List




Title: Influence of Iron Doped on Structural and Optical Absorption Studies of Calcium Borophosphate (CaBP) Nanophosphors
Mudi R.Y., Pambi P.R.K., Ganti V.L.K., N.S.S.V.R. R.
Source: Macromolecular Symposia Volume: 393,1P: 1-5(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Physical and Fourier Transform Infrared Studies of ZnO-Al2O3-Li2O-B2O3 Glass System Incorporated with Cu2+ and Mn3+ Ions
Rao B. T., Cole S.
Source: Macromolecular Symposia Volume: 392,1P: 1-4(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Some New 2-Benzyloxy-5-alkyne Substituted Pyrimidines: An Application to Sonogashira Coupling
Reddy Onteddu S., Ramana Mutchu B., Durga Thripuram V., Chandu B., Lakshmi Chavakula R., Rayalu Golkonda M., Kotra V., Babu Bollikolla H.
Source: ChemistrySelect Volume: 5,27P: 8194-8197(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Stability indicating RP-HPLC assessment and stability testing of tazarotene and halobetasol in lotion formulation
Tiruveedhi V.L.N.B.G., Battula V.R., Bonige K.B.
Source: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 32,6P: 1456-1462(Scopus)
Title: Dichotomy and well conditioning of two-point boundary value problems on time scale dynamical systems
Suryanarayana R., Chatikam R., Sharma S.K.
Source: International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems Volume: 24,2P: 107-115(Scopus)
Title: Existence of w - bounded solutions for linear differential systems on time scales
Kanuri K.V.V., Suryanarayana R., Murty K.N.
Source: Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Volume: 20,1P: 1-13(Scopus)
Title: Spectrophotometric Method for Analysis of Norethisterone in Pure and Marketed Formulations
Ch.Rajya Lakshmi , G.Rama Swamy
Source: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) Volume: 9,12P: 11226-11230(GS)
Title: Determination of rate constants of the reaction Cobalt(III) complexes of a-Hydroxy Acids with Nicotinium Dichromate(NDC) in the presence of surfactants
M.V. Raghupathi Raju, N. Vijaya Kumar, Guttula. Rama Swamy, Ch. RajyaLakshmi and Subramani
Source: Strad Research Volume: 7,12P: 269-282(GS)
Title: Design of Automated Solar Lawn Mover
V. V. Vijetha Inti, Ch. Rajya Lakshmi, D. Mamatha, G. Rama Swamy, B. Kiran
Source: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Volume: 9,12P: 615-625(GS)
Title: Computer Application in pH-metric Investigation of Ternary Complexes ofCa(II),Mg(II) and Zn(II) with L-Aspartic Acid and Ethylenediaminein Propylene glycol - Water Mixtures
Chandra Leela Athota, Vijaya Kumar Nethala, Rama Swamy Guttula and Nageswara Rao Gollapalli
Source: International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development Volume: 3,6P: -(GS)
Title: Review on History and Evolution of Nanoparticles and Applications in Various Fields
Ramaswamy Guttula, Lakshmi Kishore P, Naga Lakshmi V
Source: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume: 8,12P: 306-311(GS)
Title: Innovative online assessments tools in higher education
D Vijaya Lakshmi
Source: National Level Virtual Conference on E-Education, E-Learning, E-Management and EBusiness (NC4E) Volume: ,P: 1-10(GS)
Title: Integrated technological tools for effective blended learning
Vijaya Lakshmi D., Sri Lakshmi M.
Source: 2020 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2020 Volume: ,P: 163-168(Scopus) (GS)
Title: Self-Healing Concrete Using Bacteria
Sk. Alisha, P. Rohit, K.S.N. Sachin, V.Rajesh Babu
Source: The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis Volume: 12,7P: 3164-3170(GS)
Title: Partial Replacement Of Fine Aggregate With Crumb Rubber In Concrete
P. Rohit, S.K. Alisha, P.V.S.S.P. Ganesh Varma
Source: The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis Volume: 12,7P: 3161-3163(GS)
Title: Speculative Study On Properties Of Concrete By Partial Replacement Of Cement With MetakaolinAnd Ornamental Quarry Dust
V.V.V.Sarma Velavalapalli ,Dr.G.Reddy Babu,P.Manoj,M.Manikanta
Source: International Journal Of Research And Technology Volume: 8,4P: 206-218(GS)
Title: Designing Of Flexible Pavement By Using Geosynthetic Material (Cotton Fiber)
B Mary Devika, B Durga Vara Prasad, K Suseela
Source: GRD Journals- Global Research And Development Journal For Engineering Volume: 6,1P: 30-34(GS)
Title: Improving The Feasibility Of Design Procedures Using Computer Programming
P.Manoj, Sk.S.Alisha,G.Reddy Babu, P.Rohith,M.Manikanta
Source: International Journal Of Research And Technology Volume: 8,4P: 191-192(GS)
Title: Design And Analysis Of (G+5) Residential Apartment
Manikanta Manne, Manasa Vatsavayee, V V S Sarma
Source: International Journal Of Research And Technology Volume: 8,4P: 193-201(GS)
Title: M20 Grade Concrete Subjected To Elevated Temperature
B Durga Vara Prasad,K Suseela,B Mary Devika
Source: Global Research And Development Journal For Engineering Volume: 6,1P: 12-19(GS)
Title: Potential Waste Water Reuse
K Suseela,B Mary Devika,B Durga Vara Prasad
Source: Global Research And Development Journal For Engineering Volume: 6,1P: 20-29(GS)
Title: Plastic Waste Management
Srikanth Bandela, P Rohith, B Mary Devika
Source: Global Research And Development Journal For Engineering Volume: 2,1P: 47-53(GS)
Title: Microstructural characterization of fly ash based geopolymer
Bohra V.K.J., Nerella R., Madduru S.R.C., Rohith P.
Source: Materials Today: Proceedings Volume: 27,P: 1625-1629(Scopus)
Title: Analysis of host resources utilization by openstack in ubuntu environment
Pericherla S.
Source: Emerging Science Journal Volume: 4,6P: 466-492(Scopus)
Title: Internet of things in healthcare: Architecture, applications, challenges, and solutions
Naresh V.S., Pericherla S.S., Murty P.S.R., Reddi S.
Source: Computer Systems Science and Engineering Volume: 35,6P: 411-421(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A Literature Survey on Internet of Things
P. Vijaya Durga and T. Sujit Kumar
Source: International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management Volume: 6,9P: -(GS)
Title: IoT Based Smart Street Light Management System
M. Durga Satish and B. Sai Baba
Source: International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Volume: 13,4P: -(GS)
Title: Query Approach for Influence Maximization on Specific Users in Social Networks
B. Revanth and D. John Subuddhi
Source: International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Volume: 13,4P: -(GS)
Title: Edge computing for visitor identification using eigenfaces in an assisted living environment
Rudraraju S.R., Suryadevara N.K., Negi A.
Source: Assistive Technology for the Elderly Volume: ,P: 235-248(Scopus)
Title: Multiclass spoken language identification for indian languages using deep learning
Arla L.R., Bonthu S., Dayal A.
Source: 2020 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2020 Volume: ,P: 42-45(Scopus)
Title: Safe Drive - Enabling Smart Do not Disturb on Mobile and Tracking Driving Behavior
Tummalapalli H., RaviTeja P.N.V., Raavi T., Reddy N.S., Chekka S., Dayal A.
Source: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems Volume: 3,P: 198-205(Scopus)
Title: Exploratory Data Analysis to Build Applications for Android Developer
Rajesh N., Prasad K.D., Akhila N., Dayal A.
Source: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems Volume: 3,P: 231-236(Scopus)
Title: Classifying Difficulty Levels of Programming Questions on HackerRank
Vamsi S., Balamurali V., Teja K.S., Mallela P.
Source: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems Volume: 3,P: 301-308(Scopus)
Title: Precise Survey Assistance for Civil Structures Using Survey Assist
Surya Prakash K., Srimannarayana K., Kaatnam P.K., Dayal A.
Source: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems Volume: 2,P: 47-52(Scopus)
Title: A Smart Home Assistive Living Framework Using Fog Computing for Audio and Lighting Stimulation
Suryadevara N.K., Negi A., Rudraraju S.R.
Source: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems Volume: 3,P: 366-375(Scopus)
Title: Experimental Analysis of OpenStack Effect on Host Resources Utilization
Suryateja P.S.
Source: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume: 1059,P: 11-19(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: An Efficient Diagnosis Pattern generation procedure for multi faults in digital circuits
Akuri Naga Ganesh, Madhava Rao Alla, D.Manaswi, K.Kiran
Source: Solid State Technology Volume: 63,2P: -(GS)
Title: A Real Time-Based Optimized Node Localization Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks
D. Chandirasekaran, S.Sugumaran
Source: International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET) Volume: 11,8P: 62-73(GS)
Title: Removal of impulse noise from a noisy image by using adaptive median filter
Madhusudan Donga, Asha Korada, Prudhvi Raj Budumuru
Source: Journal of Xian University of Architecture & Technology Volume: 12,5P: -(GS)
Title: Smart Home Security System Using Raspberry Pi3 Model B+ Interfacing with IOT
B.Prudhvi Raj, L.T.S.Sai Sarath, M.J.Prudhvi Raju, N.Akhil, P.Dinakar
Source: Journalof Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) Volume: 7,5P: 663-667(GS)
Title: Web Centralized System To Perceive Deficient Street Light Cautiously Optimistic
S.V.S.N.Murthy, K.Ramesh Chandra, A.M.V.Pathi
Source: International Journal on Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume: 7,2P: 767-770(GS)
Title: Ultra Low Power Design of Full Adder Circuit using Adiabatic Logic Techniques
K Ramesh Chandra, CH V V S Srinivas
Source: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume: 8,5P: 1340-1350(GS)
Title: A new Spatial Domine Filter for Impulse Noise Removal with Improved Accuracy Based on Multiple Conditions
Prudhvi Raj Budumuru , Madhu Sudhan Donga, Asha Korada
Source: International Journal on Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Volume: ,P: -(GS)
Title: Design and Implementation of Full Adder using Different XOR Gates
D. Durga Prasad, M. Dileep, Ch. Rama Krishna
Source: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume: 9,4P: 1422-1426(GS)
Title: Design And Performance Analysis of High- Speed Blowfish Cryptosystem
G Rajesh Kumar, Mohiul Islam, G. Prasanna Kumar
Source: TEST engineering and management Volume: 82,P: 3181-3186(GS)
Title: Innovative and Effective Teaching Strategies for Online Education, Innovative Teaching and Learning Process during COVID 19
Mayuri Kundu, Argha Sarkar
Source: IOR INTERNATIONAL PRESS Volume: ,P: 51-53(GS)
Title: Recent developments in Engineering & Technology: Circular Arcs Loaded Moore Curve Fractal Antenna for Multiband Applications
Ch Murali Krishna, K N G S S Nikhitha, M R Yavanika, N Bhanusri
Source: ANVI Books & Publishers Volume: ,P: 978-981(GS)
Title: FRCAPE: Frequency Re-configurable Co-planar Antenna Using Parasitic Elements
Aravind Kumar M., Rameshchandra K., Bachu S.
Source: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Multiband DMA-DGS Antenna for Radar Applications
Krishna C.M., Harshitha P.S., Mounikeswari D.
Source: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020 Volume: ,P: 580-585(Scopus)
Title: Investigation of Hexagonal Antenna with Ring Resonators
Krishna C.M., Ravi M., Raju B.E.
Source: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020 Volume: ,P: 569-574(Scopus)
Title: Mickey Mouse Modeled MIMO Antenna for Extended UWB Applications
Krishna C.M., Mamatha M., Kumar J.P.
Source: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2020 Volume: ,P: 522-527(Scopus)
Title: Characterization of Ag/Ti Schottky contact on ZnO thin film under UV exposure
Teja V., Sarkar A., Kundu M., Sreenath M.
Source: Materials Today: Proceedings Volume: 43,P: 3655-3657(Scopus)
Title: Analysis of dielectric and temperature impact on co-axial CNTFET characteristics using NEGF
Sarkar A., Swetha Pasuluri B., Aswini C., Kundu M.
Source: Materials Today: Proceedings Volume: 43,P: 3725-3728(Scopus)
Title: A Hybrid Link Reliability Model for Estimating Path Reliability of Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Sai Kumar B.V., Padmavathy N.
Source: Procedia Computer Science Volume: 171,P: 2177-2185(Scopus)
Title: Fingerprint Cryptosystem Using Variable Selection of Minutiae Points
Sandhya M., Dileep M., Murthy A.N., Misbahuddin M.
Source: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume: 1079,P: 359-369(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A novel topology for bidirectional converter with high buck boost gain
Saravanan S., Karunanithi K., Pragaspathy S.
Source: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Volume: 29,14P: 1-33(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Synchrophasor Sensors Assisted Novel Algorithm for Power System Protection Reinforcement and Health Monitoring
Mallikarjuna B., Devagupta R., Reddy M.J.B., Mohanta D.K.
Source: IEEE Sensors Journal Volume: 20,15P: 8213-8222(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Signal Flow Graph Model and Feed-Forward Control for a High Voltage Gain Dual Input Boost DC-DC Converter
Appikonda M., Dhanalakshmi K., Krishna P.S.V.
Source: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Multimodal Authentication using Tensor Algebra
K. Pavan Kumar1 , PESN Krishna Prasad, Y Suresh , P. Sitarama Murthy
Source: International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research Volume: 8,9P: -(GS)
Title: Internet of things in healthcare: architecture, applications, challenges, and solutions
Naresh, V.S., Pericherla, S.S., Murty, P.S.R., Reddi, S.
Source: Computer Systems Science and Engineering Volume: 35,6P: 411-421(GS)
Title: Integrated Technological Tools for effective Blended Learning
Dr.D.Vijaya Lakshmi, Mrs. M. Srilakshmi
Source: IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference(IBSSC) Volume: 4,P: 163-168(GS)
Title: Influence of hygrothermal environment and FG material on natural frequency and parametric instability of plates
Inala R.
Source: Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures Volume: 7,1P: 89-101(Scopus)
Title: Image Correlation Technique for Slope and Curvature of a Cantilever Beam Using Light Intensity
Raghuraman M., Ramu I.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 539-547(Scopus)
Title: Vibration Response of Sandwich Beam with Viscoelastic Core and FGM Face Sheets Using Finite Element Method
Ramu I., Raghuraman M., Seshu K.V.G.R.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 377-386(Scopus)
Title: Modeling and simulation of Aluminum 1100 alloy in an extrusion process
Namburi K.P.V., Kothasiri A.F., Yerubandi V.S.M.
Source: Materials Today: Proceedings Volume: 23,P: 518-522(Scopus)
Title: Experimental Investigation of Paddy Grain Drying Mechanism
Vinod M., Raghuraman M., Chakravarthi V.M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 135-143(Scopus)
Title: Influence of FGM on the Parametric Instability of Skew Plates in Thermal Environment
Ramu I., Raghuraman M., Venu M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 529-539(Scopus)
Title: Optimization of EDM Process Parameters on Aluminum Alloy 6082 by Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
Md Riyaz S., Srinivas P., Ramu I.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 499-508(Scopus)
Title: Experimental Investigation for Finding Defects on Epoxy-Coated Cantilever Beam Using Optical Method
Raghuraman M., Ramu I.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 331-338(Scopus)


Title: Determination of genotoxic impurity chloromethyl chloroformate in tenofovir disoproxil succinate using RP-LC
Benjamin T., Rajyalakshmi R., Rahul G.R., Ramachandran
Source: Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Volume: 25,2P: 102-105(Scopus)
Title: Novel determination of anti-hypertensive combination; benidipine hydrochloride and nebivolol hydrochloride by high performance chromatographic method
Balaji Gupta Tiruveedhi V.L.N., Battula V.R., Bonige K.B.
Source: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Volume: 14,10P: 5433-5438(Scopus)
Title: RP-HPLC (stability-indicating) based assay method for the simultaneous estimation of doravirine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and lamivudine
Tiruveedhi V.L.N.B.G., Battula V.R., Bonige K.B.
Source: International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics Volume: 13,1P: 153-159(Scopus)
Title: Sand bath assisted green synthesis of carbon dots from citrus fruit peels for free radical scavenging and cell imaging
Gudimella K.K., Appidi T., Wu H.-F., Battula V., Jogdand A., Rengan A.K., Gedda G.
Source: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Volume: 197,P: 1-7(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Aqua Pond Waters at Dongapindi, Bhimavaram, AP, India
Rapaka. Suresh Babu, Guttula. Rama Swamy, Kovvada. Jasmine, Nethala.Vijaya Kumar, Ch. Rajya Lakshmi and Sugnanam. SaiDurga Prasad
Source: International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) Volume: 7,4P: 1-9(GS)
Title: Innovative Teaching and Learning Process: An Illustration on Engineering Approach
V.V.Vijetha Inti and Ch. Rajya Lakshmi
Source: A Plethora of Thoughts Volume: 1,P: 91-95(GS)
Title: Reflections of Society In The Novels of Paulo Coelho–A Select Study
D Vijaya Lakshmi
Source: The Reflections of Society in Literature: Contemporary Currents Volume: ,P: 129-132(GS)
Title: Robert Gagnes Nine Instructional Model ofSession Plan to Blooms Taxonomy Levels of Questions with Innovative DigitalPlatforms
D Vijaya Lakshmi, K Krishna, N Raju
Source: Language in India Volume: 21,1P: -(GS)
Title: Education Technology in English Language Classroom: A Solution to Develop Communication Skills
D Vijaya Lakshmi
Source: A Plethora of Thoughts Volume: ,P: 125-(GS)
Title: Leveraging Prominent Digital Instructive Tools in Higher Education for Teaching and Learning
M Pushpalatha, D Vijaya Lakshmi
Source: A Plethora of Thoughts Volume: ,P: 21-(GS)
Title: Pagan Symbolism in Paulo Coelho’s Brida
D Vijaya Lakshmi, K Ratna Shiela Mani
Source: PLETHORA OF THOUGHTS Volume: ,P: 11-(GS)
Title: Metabolic engineering strategies to enhance the production of anticancer drug, paclitaxel
Satish L., Seher Y., Rakkammal K., Muthuramalingam P., Lakshmi C.R., Hemasundar A., Prasanth K., Shamili S., Swamy M.K., Dhanarajan M.S., Ramesh M.
Source: Paclitaxel: Sources, Chemistry, Anticancer Actions, and Current Biotechnology Volume: ,P: 229-250(Scopus)
Title: Support vector machine (SVM) prediction of coefficients of curvature and uniformity of hybrid cement modified unsaturated soil with NQF inclusion
Onyelowe K.C., Mahesh C.B., Srikanth B., Nwa-David C., Obimba-Wogu J., Shakeri J.
Source: Cleaner Engineering and Technology Volume: 5,P: 1-10(Scopus)
Title: An assisting model for the visually challenged to detect bus door accurately
Ponnada S., Sekharamantry P.K., Dayal A., Yarramalle S., Vadaparthi N., Hemanth J.
Source: Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Volume: 19,6P: 1924-1934(Scopus)
Title: Coherence and Adaptivity in Frameless Rendering-A Practical and Information Theoretic Analysis
Dayal A., Gupta S., Ponnada S., Hemanth D.J.
Source: IEEE Access Volume: 9,P: 67752-67760(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: An Effective Approach to Hate SpeechDetection on Social Media
M. Kumara Swamy and U. Padma Jyothi
Source: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: 8,7P: 3903-3907(GS)
Title: Route Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by using Reinforcement Learning
Kundu M., Nagendra Kumar D.J.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1921,1P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Automatic closing of sketch boundaries - Opening doors to coloring fun
Uppalapati P.J., Dayal A., Yamala A., Palivela S.K.
Source: Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2021 Volume: ,P: 673-676(Scopus)
Title: Text2PyCode: Machine Translation of Natural Language Intent to Python Source Code
Bonthu S., Sree S.R., Krishna Prasad M.H.M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume: 12844 LNCS,P: 51-60(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Automated Short Answer Grading Using Deep Learning: A Survey
Bonthu S., Rama Sree S., Krishna Prasad M.H.M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume: 12844 LNCS,P: 61-78(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design analysis of GOS-HEFET on lower Subthreshold Swing SOI
Satyanarayana B.V.V., Prakash M.D.
Source: Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Volume: 109,3P: 683-694(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Performance comparison of acoustic lens based photoacoustic image reconstruction with algorithm based reconstruction techniques
Rao A.P., Sinha S.
Source: Optik Volume: 243,P: 1-17(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Fault diagnosis of BLDC drive using advanced adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system
Gayatri Sarman K.V.S.H., Madhu T., Mallikharjuna Prasad A.
Source: Soft Computing Volume: 25,20P: 12759-12774(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Numerical design and frequency response of MQW transistor lasers based entirely on group IV alloys
Ranjan R., Pareek P., Das M.K., Pandey S.K.
Source: Journal of Computational Electronics Volume: 20,5P: 1760-1768(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A Microscale Numerical Analysis of Ex-OR and Ex-NOR Logic Gates by Using Single Plasmonic MZI
Singh L., Pareek P., Kumar G.M., Revathi D.
Source: Plasmonics Volume: 16,4P: 1127-1136(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Numerical simulation of all-optical logic functions at micrometer scale by using plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) waveguides
Singh L., Zhu G., Mohan Kumar G., Revathi D., Pareek P.
Source: Optics and Laser Technology Volume: 135,P: 1-8(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: TiO2 based surface acoustic wave gas sensor with modified electrode dimensions for enhanced H2 sensing application
Harathi N., Sarkar A.
Source: International Journal of Nano Dimension Volume: 12,1P: 83-89(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Triangular fractal loaded reconfigurable antenna with notch band characteristics
Orugu R., Moses N.
Source: International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields Volume: 34,1P: 1-11(Scopus)
Title: Estimating the Age of the Human by using Fuzzy Logic and Image Processing
M.V.R.V.Prasad, M.Sirisha, R.Bharath Kumar
Source: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume: 9,1P: 408-413(GS)
Title: Automatic Removal of Eye Blink Artefacts from EEG Data using Spatio-Temporal Features
Rakesh Ranjan , A. Prabhakara Rao , Anish Vishwakarma
Source: International conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-21) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume: 1388,P: -(GS)
Title: Super Wideband 1X 2 MIMO Antenna for Advanced Wireless Communication
Murali Krishna C., Sai Prapoorna M., Taruni Sesha Sai K., Sai Teja M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 711,P: 509-519(Scopus)
Title: Spectral and Energy Efficient Index Modulation Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks
Rohith V., Anand R., Malavika R., Sharu S., Chandra K.R.
Source: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC 2021 Volume: ,P: 1062-1069(Scopus)
Title: Reliability Evaluation of Underwater Sensor Network in Shallow Water Based on Propagation Model
Padmavathy N., Rao Ch V.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1921,1P: 1-17(Scopus)
Title: Investigation of Graphene as a Sensing Layer for Future Prostate Cancer Biosensing Applications
Sarkar A., Sreenath M., Srinivas K., Teja N.V.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1921,1P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: Space Filled Hybrid Multiband Antenna for S-C-X Band Applications
Kumar P.P., Avula R., Naidu C.R., Santhosi N., Madhuri K.S., Sri L.L.
Source: 2021 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, and Signal Processing, ICCCSP 2021 Volume: ,P: 131-136(Scopus)
Title: Location Tracking and Warning System of a Ship using Arduino
Murthy S.V.S.N., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Srinivas C.H.V.V.S.
Source: Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2021 Volume: ,P: 1786-1790(Scopus)
Title: Review on Compressors based Approximate Multipliers Design
Satyanarayana N.V., Saladi K., Kumar R.B.
Source: Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2021 Volume: ,P: 1016-1021(Scopus)
Title: Numerical Examination of Detectivity in Group-IV alloy based Infrared Photodetector
Pareek P., Ranjan R.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 1817,1P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: Investigation on graphene based terahertz antenna for medical imaging
Krishna C.M., Bhavana M., Manisha D., Neha T.
Source: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks, ICICV 2021 Volume: ,P: 64-69(Scopus)
Title: Design and Analysis of Bow-Tie Antenna for Sub - 6GHz Applications
Krishna C.M., Prasad D.D., Krishna C.R., Subbareddy M.K.V.
Source: 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2021 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Hiding an Image in an Audio File using LSB Audio Technique
Budumuru P.R., Kumar G.P., Raju B.E.
Source: 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2021 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A Frequency Tunable Hexagon Shaped Antenna for 5.8GHz-WiFi and Sub 6 - 5G Mobile IoT Applications
Orugu R., Nesasudha M., Janapala D.K.
Source: 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2021 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design and Analysis of Tortoise Shaped Quadband Antenna for C Ku - Band Applications
Krishna C.M., Prasad D.D., Krishna C.R., Orugu R., Varma P.K.K., Kumar J.P.
Source: 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2021 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Arduino based Smart Street Light System
Bhaavan A.S.S., Sudha A.M., Venkata G.P., Sravanthi I., Karthik B.S.K., Rao Ch V.
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Title: Asymmetric CPW - Fed Monopole Antenna with Hybrid Slots for Bandwidth Enhancement
Krishna C.M., Mohan Rao S.J., Ravi M., Kumar J.P., Murthy N.V.D.P., Subbareddy M.K.V.
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Shaik A.R., Chandra K.R., Raju B.E., Budumuru P.R.
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Shaik A.R., Durga Naga Lakshmi N., Srinivas C.V.V.S.
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Source: ACCESS 2021 - Proceedings of 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems Volume: ,P: 243-246(Scopus)
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Chand R.P., Sri V.B., Lakshmi P.M., Chakravathi S.S., Veerendra O.D.M., Rao C.V.
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Sai Sumanjali K.B.N., Sai Vinay K.V., Pasha M.M., Sujji M.P., Kumar N.S., Budumuru P.R.
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Subbareddy M.K.V., Durga Prasad D., Phani Ponnapalli V.L.N., Pathi A.M.V., Prasanth Kumar J., Krishna C.M.
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Sarkar A., Suresh R., Padmavathy N., Aswini C.
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Chandra K.R., Donga M., Budumuru P.R.
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Satyanarayana B.V.V., Prakash M.D.
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Sugumaran S., Lakshmi D.N., Choudhary S.
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Sandhya M., Rudani U., Vallabhadas D.K., Dileep M., Bojjagani S., Pallantla S., Lakshmi Kumari P.D.S.S.
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Padmavathy N.
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Jayaprakash S., Nagarajan M.D., Prado R.P., Subramanian S., Divakarachari P.B.
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Bhoopal N., Rao D.S.M., Narukullapati B.K., Kasireddy I., Kumar D.G.
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Kumar D.G., Ganesh A., Bhoopal N., Saravanan S., Prameela M., Dsnmrao, Kasireddy I.
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Jnaneswar K., Mallikarjuna B., Devaraj S., Roy D.S., Reddy M.J.B., Mohanta D.K.
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Pragaspathy S., Kumar C.P., Raju V.S.N.N., Kadali K.S., Saravanan S.
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Ganesh M.S.R., Kadali K.S., Bhukya R., Palleswari Y.T.R., Siva A., Pragaspathy S.
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Nalli P.K., Kadali K.S., Bhukya R., Palleswari Y.T.R., Siva A., Pragaspathy S.
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Sureshkumar R., Prasad S.J.S., Karthikeyan G., Kumar ChP., Pravina S.V.
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Swamy B., Veeraiah N., Nagaraju E., Chakravarthi B.N.C.V.
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Chakravarthi B.N.C.V., Narasimharao P.V., Paul O.R., Paturi R.P.
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Kumar C.P., Pragaspathy S., Karthikeyan V., Durga Prakash K.N.S.
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Ch.v. Chakravarthi B.N., Naveen P., Pragaspathy S., Narasimha Raju V.S.N.
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Title: A novel investigation on single-input three-output dc-dc buck converter for electrical vehicles
Ramesh M., Mallikarjuna B., Rajasekar T.
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Title: Study on New Design Techniques for Enhancement of Solar Panel Efficiency
Reddy S.U.M., Venkatesh N., Nagendra N.S., Prasad P.R., Nayak M.R.
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Narasimharaju V.S.N., Premalatha M., Pragaspathy S., Rao K D.V.S.K., Korlepara N.S.D.P., Kumar M.M.
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Korlepara N.S.D.P., Chandra G.P., Seshagiri B., Raju V.S.N.N., Veeraiah N., Pragaspathy S.
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Kumar K.S., Nasir A.W., Mani P., Kasireddy I., Sivaramkrishnan M., Ramkumar M.S.
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Devagupta R., Akhil K.T.S., Suprabhath N.S., Kritesh P., Mallikarjuna B., Reddy M.J.B., Mohanta D.K., Roy D.S.
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Jnaneswar K., Devaraj S., Mallikarjuna B., Jaya Bharata Reddy M., Mohanata D.K.
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Bhukya R., Kadali K., Siva A., Palleswari Y.T.R., Pragaspathy, Saravanan S.
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Teja Sirapu, Nandhini.N, Suresh Kumar K, Guna Sekhar Sajja, Ravi Kumar Saidala And Lokesh M R
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Sudheer S.V.S., Kumar K.K., Balasubramanian K.
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Gubbala, Giri Ratnakar, and Ramu Inala
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Vinod M., Raghuraman M., Chakravarthi V.M.
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Ramya T., Venu M., Sunil Kumar K.T., Anupama Francy K.
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Ramu I., Raghuraman M., Venu M.
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Raghuraman M., Ramu I., Chaithanya Vinay V.
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Naresh V.S., Allavarpu V.V.L.D., Reddi S., Murty P.S.R., Raju N.V.S.L., Mohan R.N.V.J.
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Sreedevi G., Rao K.V., Kumar G.J.R.P., Rao B.T., Cole S.
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Gudimella K.K., Gedda G., Kumar P.S., Babu B.K., Yamajala B., Rao B.V., Singh P.P., Kumar D., Sharma A.
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Title: Chemical Distribution, Stability and Structures of Ternary Metal Chelates in Ethylene Glycol – Water Media Involving Mercaptosuccinic Acid and Some Non-Essential Amino Acids.
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G. Rama Swamy, N. Vijaya Kumar and G. Manikandan
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R. S. Durga Rao, R. VijayaKumar, and V. Vasudeva Murthy
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Title: Numerical study of Casson- Nanofluid flow past an exponentially stretching sheet filled by porous medium in presenceof velocity and thermal slip effects
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R. Vijaya Kumar, R. S. Durga Rao and V. Vasudeva Murthy
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Ramesh kotnana, Rajendra Karmarkar
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Ramesh kotnana, Rajendra Karmarkar
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Prakash M.D., Krsihna B.V., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Vignesh N.A., Panigrahy A.K., Ahmadsaidulu S.
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Sudha M.N., Rajendiran M., Specht M., Reddy K.S., Sugumaran S.
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Gangadhar Ch., Chanthirasekaran K., Ramesh Chandra K., Sharma A., Thangamani M., Kumar P.S.
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Padmanandam K., Rajesh M.V., Upadhyaya A.N., Ramesh Chandra K., Chandrashekar B., Sah S.
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Murali Krishna C., Suguna N., SaravanaKumar R., Rajasree S.A.A., Phani Ponnapalli V.L.N., Subbareddy M.K.V.
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Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 888,P: 39-53(Scopus) (WoS)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 888,P: 435-440(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 888,P: 689-699(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Volume: 106,P: 555-565(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Volume: 96,P: 447-459(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 850,P: 173-196(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Volume: 93,P: 29-39(Scopus) (woS)
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Source: Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022 Volume: ,P: 2369-2375(Scopus)
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Rao C.V., Sankar Miriyala R., Praveena V., Sri V.B., Sri Sailesh A B., Ramalakshmi K.
Source: Proceedings - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2022 Volume: ,P: 1827-1831(Scopus)
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Kumar G.P., Priya G.S., Dileep M., Raju B.E., Shaik A.R., Sarman K.V.S.H.G.
Source: 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2022 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 901-904(Scopus)
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Budumuru P.R., Shaik A.R., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Manikanta S.P., Sharmila K.S., Prasad D.D.
Source: 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2022 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1436-1439(Scopus) (WoS)
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Varma A.K.C., Srinivas C.V.V.S., Orugu R., Rao C.V.
Source: 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2022 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1388-1392(Scopus)
Title: Design of Wheel shaped Millimetre Wave MIMO Antenna for N257band (26.5 - 29.5GHz) Applications
Krishna C.M., Maha Lakshmi N.V.K., Suguna N., Kumar J.P., Satapathy E.J., Prasad D.D.
Source: 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2022 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus) (WoS)
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Gupta N., Gupta H.K., Pathak V., Pareek P.
Source: 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2022 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
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Source: MysuruCon 2022 - 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
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Source: MysuruCon 2022 - 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
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Agarwal V., Pareek P., Singh L., Chaurasia V.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD Volume: ,P: 43-44(Scopus)
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Singh L., Pareek P., Dixit A., Agarwal V.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD Volume: ,P: 41-42(Scopus)
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Pareek P., Singh L., Ranjan R., Malviya N., Agarwal V.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD Volume: ,P: 11-12(Scopus)
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Ranjan R., Pareek P., Malviya N.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD Volume: ,P: 73-74(Scopus)
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Malviya N., Ranjan R., Pareek P.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD Volume: ,P: 155-156(Scopus)
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Jain A., Ramachandran K.K., Sharma S., Sharma T., Pareek P., Pant B.
Source: 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2022 Volume: ,P: 1061-1065(Scopus)
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Pranavan S., Bano S., Tiwari K.K., Pareek P., Narayana M.S., Gangodkar D.
Source: 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2022 Volume: ,P: 1038-1042(Scopus)
Title: Human Emotion Classification Based on Speech Enhancement Using Neural Networks
Srinivas C.V.V.S., Gubbala S., Lakshmi N.D.N.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 858,P: 35-48(Scopus)
Title: Leukocyte Subtyping Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhanced Disease Prediction
Sandhya M., Dhopavkar T., Vallabhadas D.K., Palla J., Dileep M., Bojjagani S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 858,P: 1-17(Scopus)
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Purna Satish A., Tejaswini A., Pavan Kumar C., Ashraf A., Akash K., K V Subba Reddy M.
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Illuri B., Sadu V.B., Sathish E., Valavala M., Roy T.L.D., Srilakshmi G.
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Source: Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Power Technology, IC3P 2022 Volume: ,P: 167-171(Scopus)
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Krishna C.M., Satapathy E.J., Suguna N., Singh S., Padmakar G.S.V., Kumar R.B.
Source: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing, ICESIC 2022 Volume: ,P: 229-234(Scopus)
Title: Artificial Intelligence for the Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases Using Dominant MUAP
Maheshwary P., Vinu W., Velvadivu P., Shukla S.K., Srivastava P.K., Pareek P.
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Tom R.J., Kumar A., Shaik S.B., Isaac L.D., Tripathi V., Pareek P.
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Katta M., Sandanalakshmi R., Srilakshmi G., Adireddi R.
Source: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume: 286,P: 439-453(Scopus)
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Kumar G.P., Dileep M., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Manikanta S.P.
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Kundu M., Chakraborty S.K., Sarkar A., Nagendra Kumar D.J.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 837,P: 279-287(Scopus)
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Venkateswara Rao Ch., Pathi M.V.A., Sailesh B.S.A.
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Title: Effect of Undersea Parameters on Reliability of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network in Shallow Water
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Kumar C.P., Elanchezhian E.B., Pragaspathy S.
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Bhoopal N., Malleswara Rao D.S., Sireesha N.V., Kasireddy I., Gatla R.K., Kumar D.G.
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Uma Maheswara Rao M., Subba Rami Reddy C., Lakshmi Narayana P., Rao D.S.N.M., kasireddy I.
Source: International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing Volume: ,P: 1-8(Scopus)
Title: Improved load frequency control of 2- area power system using nature inspired algorithm
P. Sai Pavan Kumar, Idamakanti Kasireddy, Dsnm Rao and Ch Phani Kumar
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Chakravarthi, B.N.C.V., Hari Prasad, L., Chavakula, R.L., Vijetha Inti, V.V.
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Title: Determination of stable zones of LFC for a power system considering communication delay
Kasireddy I., Nasir A.W., Reddy R.S.K., Veeraiah
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Reddy R.S.K., Priya V.H., Kasireddy I.
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Jayaraju G., Rao D., Kasireddy I.
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Pragaspathy S., Aravindh G., Kannan R., Dhivya K., Karthikkumar S., Karthikeyan V.
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Title: Design of PID Controller Using Strawberry Algorithm for Load Frequency Control of Multi-area Interconnected Power System with and Without Non-linearity
Gupta N.K., Kasireddy I., Singh A.K.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 870,P: 153-162(Scopus)
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Rama Rao R.V.D., Pragaspathy S.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2022 Volume: ,P: 233-238(Scopus)
Title: Analysis and Appropriate Choice of Power Converters for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Pragaspathy S., Rao R.V.D.R., Karthikeyan V., Bhukya R., Nalli P.K., Korlepara K.N.S.D.P.
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Title: Data-Based Tuning of PI Controller for First-order System
Nasir A.W., Kasireddy I., Tiwari R., Ahmed B.K.I., Furquan A.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 815,P: 547-555(Scopus)
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Saravanan S., Kalaiyarasi M., Karunanithi K., Karthi S., Pragaspathy S., Kadali K.S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 244,P: 445-453(Scopus)
Title: Predictive Disease Data Analysis of Air Pollution Using Supervised Learning, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science
Manikanta Sirigineedi, Padma Bellapukonda, R N V Jagan Mohan,
Source: Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT) Volume: 8,4P: 105-110(GS)
Title: Protecting tribal peoples nearby patient care centres use a hybrid techniques based on a distribution network
Srikanth, M., Bellapukonda, P., & Sirigineedi, M.
Source: International Journal of Health Sciences Volume: 6,P: 4836-4845(GS)
Title: The Early Detection Of Alzheimers Illness Using Machine Learning And Deep Learning Algorithms
Manikanta Sirigineedi, Srikanth Mandela, Padma Bellapukonda
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Padma Bellapukonda, Manikanta Sirigineedi, & M.Srikanth
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Kumar D.J.N., Vidhya K., Sagar Imambi S., Pramila P.V., Kumar A., Vijayabhaskar V.
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Murthy G.S., Kavitha V., Chandrasekar V., Kumar D.J.N., Deivakani M., Tamilarasan T.
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Murthy G.S.N., Kumar P.S., Satya Kumari T., Veerraju T., Nagendra Kumar D.J., Murthy C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 858,P: 61-74(Scopus)
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Kumar P.S., Neti P., Kumar D.J.N., Murthy G.S.N., Lalitha R.V.S., Kalyan Ram M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 858,P: 49-60(Scopus)
Title: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of a Compound Flow Field for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Performance Enhancement
Velisala V., Pullagura G., Chinnam N.K., Ganta R.
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Battina N.M., Chirala H.K., Inala R., Kummitha O.R., Veeravalli L.N., Pericherla S.R.
Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Volume: 236,17P: 9677-9686(Scopus) (WoS)
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Source: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing Volume: 9,2P: 214-227(Scopus)
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Shiao Y., Kantipudi M.B.
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Ponnusamy M., Pungaiah S.S., Prabhu M.S., Ramji B.R., Srinivas Y., Periyasamy S.
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Venkataiah M., Anup Kumar T., Venkata Rao K., Anand Kumar S., Dumpala R., Ratna Sunil B.
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Habibullah M., Manikanta N.V.V., Varun A., Praveen M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 339-349(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 503-509(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 473-481(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 491-501(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 441-451(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 483-490(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 329-338(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 281-288(Scopus)


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Shaik K.S., Thumboor N.S.K., Veluru S.P., Bommagani N.J., Sudarsa D., Muppagowni G.K.
Source: International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering Volume: 13,3P: 509-517(Scopus)
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Mohd A.A., Kummarikunta S., Naga S.K.T., Buthukuri V.R., Chintamaneni P., Vatambeti R.
Source: International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering Volume: 13,5P: 893-902(Scopus)
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Source: Chemical Review and Letters Volume: 6,4P: 506-512(Scopus)
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Sreedevi G., Pullarao T., Muswareen S.K.K., Suresh S., Sirisha P.V., Rajyalakshmi C., Jayalakshmi V.
Source: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 35,8P: 1836-1842(Scopus)
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Deepthi,K.G.R., Kavitha,S., Murthy,V.Vasudeva
Source: Journal of Nano Fluids Volume: 12,5P: 1454-1461(GS)
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K.G.R. Deepthi, S. Kavitha and V. Vasudeva Murthy
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Source: European Chemical Bulletin Volume: 12,3P: 1075-1092(GS)
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R.S.DurgaRao, R.Vijaya Kumar and V.Vasudeva Murthy
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Yadav M.R., Lakshmikanth G.V., Suresh P., Ravikumar R.V.S.S.N.
Source: Materials Today: Proceedings Volume: 92,P: 1142-1148(Scopus)
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Source: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Volume: 24,3P: 629-637(Scopus)
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Nagaraju T.V., Mantena S., Azab M., Alisha S.S., El Hachem C., Adamu M., Rama Murthy P.S.
Source: Results in Engineering Volume: 17,P: 1-14(Scopus)
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Source: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 1273,P: 1-7(GS)
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Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1280,1P: 1-13(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Volume: 338 LNCE,P: 211-219(Scopus)
Title: Performance evaluation of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate in concrete pavements: a state-of-the-art review
Vijay K., Paluri Y., Reddy M.S., Rao I.V., John K., Dayanand N.
Source: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation Volume: 8,2P: 1-11(Scopus)
Title: Exploring University Student Attitudes, Beliefs, and Alcohol Usage Patterns: An Investigation into Alcohol and Drug Use within the Student Lifestyle
Leelavati T.S., Madhavi S., Susmitha K., Venkateswara Kumar K.S., Vara Prasad Goud P., Ganga Raju K., Aminabee S.
Source: Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research Volume: 12,8P: -(Scopus)
Title: A Comprehensive Survey on Summarization Techniques
Uppalapati P.J., Dabbiru M., Rao K.V.
Source: SN Computer Science Volume: 4,5P: 1-9(Scopus)
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Gontla B.K., Gundu P., Uppalapati P.J., Narasimharao K., Hussain S.M.
Source: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems Volume: 10,5P: 1-9(Scopus) (WoS)
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Nagaraju T.V., Mantena S., Gobinath R., Bonthu S., Subhan Alisha S.
Source: Journal of Taibah University for Science Volume: 17,1P: 1-18(Scopus)
Title: Deep Analysis of Risks and Recent Trends Towards Network Intrusion Detection System
Shankar D., George G.V.S., Janardhana Naidu J.N.S.S., Madhuri P.S.
Source: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Volume: 14,1P: 262-276(Scopus) (WoS)
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Pericherla S.S.
Source: ISeCure Volume: 15,1P: 55-112(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: An Optimized Ensemble Machine Learning Framework for Water Quality Assessment System by Leveraging Forward Sequential Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance Feature Selection Method
Maheswara Rao V.V.R., Silpa N., Reddy S.S., Bonthu S., Rao Kurada R., Vaishalini V.
Source: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems, ICSES 2023 Volume: ,P: -(Scopus)
Title: A Robust XG-Boost Machine Learning Model for Water Quality Estimation System by Leveraging with Chi-Square Forward Sequential Feature Selection Technique
Maheswara Rao V.V.R., Silpa N., Shankar Reddy S., Rao Kurada R., Mahaboob Hussain S., L Sameera E.
Source: IEEE 1st International Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Knowledge Informatics and Industrial Electronics, AIKIIE 2023 Volume: ,P: -(Scopus)
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Maddipati V.G.R., Soudha Basheera Bhanu B., Bhavya Sai D., Navya Sri Mahitha G., Pravallika G., Maddipati G.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication, ICACIC 2023 Volume: ,P: -(Scopus)
Title: A Robust Team Building Recommendation System by Leveraging Personality Traits Through MBTI and Deep Learning Frameworks
Silpa S., Maheswara Rao R.V.V., Subbarao M.V., Pradeep M., Grandhi C.R., Karunasri A.
Source: 2023 International Conference on IoT, Communication and Automation Technology, ICICAT 2023 Volume: ,P: -(Scopus)
Title: Locating Areas of Crime Against Children with k-means Cluster Algorithm
Changalasetty S., Rajan N., Changalasetty S.B., Thota L.S., Bindu P.H., Satyanarayana P., Thota H.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 720 LNNS,P: 469-477(Scopus)
Title: Deep Learning-Based Operational Risk Prevention and Control Monitoring of Smart Financial Systems
Jain S., Hemalatha R., Mubeen S., Jethy J., Kandewar P., Pujari R.
Source: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics, ACCAI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
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Kurada R.R., Pattem S., Ramu Y., Maheswara Rao V.V.R., Silpa N., Bonthu S.
Source: 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology, INCET 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: Efficient Sentiment classification with Minimal parameters using Average Embedding Approach
Pradeep I.K., Kiran K.B., Sai Baba B.C.S.N.L.S., Devarakonda G.K.M., Satish M.D.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, ICEEICT 2023 Volume: ,P: -(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data on ‘The Agnipath Yojana’
Mulukutla V.K., Pavarala S.S., Kareti V.K., Midatani S., Bonthu S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Volume: 14078 LNAI,P: 534-542(Scopus)
Title: Assessing Public Sentiment towards Digital India through Twitter Sentiment Analysis: A Comparative Study
Ahmed S.S., Uppalapati P.J., Ayesha S., Hussain S.M., Narasimharao K., Silpa N.
Source: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2023 Volume: ,P: 955-959(Scopus)
Title: Multi-label and Multi-class Classification on a Custom Dataset using Convolution Neural Networks
Bonthu S., Kiran K.B., Deenakonda M., Rao V.V.R.M., Jagadeesh S.V.V.D.
Source: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2023 Volume: ,P: 576-579(Scopus)
Title: Detection of Prone Areas of Crime Against Children using DBSCAN
Changalasetty S., Rajan N., Thota L.S., Thota H., Changalasetty S.B.
Source: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2023 Volume: ,P: 776-781(Scopus)
Title: An Enriched Employee Retention Analysis System with a Combination Strategy of Feature Selection and Machine Learning Techniques
Silpa N., Maheswara Rao V.V.R., Subbarao M.V., Kurada R.R., Reddy S.S., Uppalapati P.J.
Source: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2023 Volume: ,P: 142-149(Scopus)
Title: Simulation of working of Chemical Reactor in LABVIEW platform
Thota L.S., Thota H., Changalasetty S.B., Badawy A.S., Ghribi W., Rahmathullah M., Basha S.A., Bangali H.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology, INOCON 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
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Maheswara Rao V.V.R., Silpa N., Gadiraju M., Reddy S.S., Bonthu S., Kurada R.R.
Source: Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2023 Volume: ,P: 850-855(Scopus)
Title: Water Level Forecasting in Reservoirs Using Time Series Analysis – Auto ARIMA Model
Kovvuri A.R., Uppalapati P.J., Bonthu S., Kandula N.R.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 192-200(Scopus)
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Boddapati M.S.D., Chatradi M.S., Bonthu S., Dayal A.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 76-85(Scopus)
Title: Comparative Analysis of Classification Methods to Predict Diabetes Mellitus on Noisy Data
Jyothi U.P., Dabbiru M., Bonthu S., Dayal A., Kandula N.R.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 946,P: 301-313(Scopus)
Title: Utilization of F8BT in refractive index sensor for urea treated urine detection
Singh L., Vasimalla Y., Pareek P., Maurya N.K., Kumar R.
Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 55,14P: (1289) 1-15(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Highly-efficient tunable dipole-driven Yagi–Uda antenna with end-fire radiation for terahertz application
Maurya N.K., Kumari S., Pareek P., Varshney G.
Source: Nano Communication Networks Volume: 38,P: 1-11(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Blockchain integration with the internet of things for the employee performance management
Godavarthi B., Dhar M., Devi S.A., Raju S.S., Balaram A., Srilakshmi G.
Source: Journal of High Technology Management Research Volume: 34,2P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Adversarial transformer network for classification of lung cancer disease from CT scan images
Murthy S.V.S.N., Krishna Prasad P.M.
Source: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Volume: 86,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Compacted conformal antenna at lower-UWB for wireless capsule endoscope system
Janapala D.K., Moses N., Orugu R.
Source: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing Volume: 14,9P: 12617-12633(Scopus)
Title: Doppler Sodar Measured Winds and Sea Breeze Intrusions over Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E), India
Brahmanandam P.S., Uma G., Tarakeswara Rao K., Sreedevi S., Latha Devi N.S.M.P., Chu Y.-H., Das J., Mahesh Babu K., Narendra Babu A., Das S.K., Naveen Kumar V., Srinivas K.
Source: Sustainability (Switzerland) Volume: 15,16P: 1-25(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: RF Chain Selection Using Hybrid Optimization with Precoding in mm-Wave Massive MIMO Systems
Srinivas C.V.V.S., Borugadda S.
Source: Wireless Personal Communications Volume: 131,3P: 1997-2017(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design and analysis of cross phase modulation based all optical half subtractor using carrier reservoir semiconductor optical amplifier
Agarwal V., Pareek P., Singh L., Balaji B., Chaurasia V.
Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 55,8P: 1-16(Scopus) (WoS)
Arputharaj V.J., Sankar K., Kumar A.S., Sridevi M., Prasad D.D.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 101,14P: 5781-5796(Scopus)
Title: Meta material Inspired Azimuth Pattern-Reconfigurable Antenna for 5G Applications
Orugu R., Nesasudha M., Janapala D.K.
Source: International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 11,6P: 28-33(Scopus)
Title: Joint resource allocation and power allocation scheme for MIMO assisted NOMA system
Chandra K.R., Borugadda S.
Source: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Volume: 34,7P: 1-25(Scopus) (WoS)
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Choudhary S., Sugumaran S., Belazi A., El-Latif A.A.A.
Source: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing Volume: 14,6P: 6661-6679(Scopus)
Title: Design of graphene-based tunable ultra-thin UWB metasurface for terahertz regime
Maurya N.K., Ghosh J., P. S.
Source: Optik Volume: 279,P: -(Scopus) (WoS)
Arputharaj V.J., Sankar K., Rao K.S., Prasad G.N.R., Kumar R.B.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 101,7P: 2726-2741(Scopus)
Title: Graphene-based frequency agile isolation enhancement mechanism for MIMO antenna in terahertz regime
Maurya N.K., Kumari S., Pareek P., Singh L.
Source: Nano Communication Networks Volume: 35,P: 1-10(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor for refractive index detection of Helicobacter Pylori
Singh L., Vasimalla Y., Kumar R., Pareek P.
Source: Optik Volume: 274,P: 1-11(Scopus) (WoS)
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Morampudi M.K., Sandhya M., Dileep M.
Source: Optik Volume: 274,P: 151-168(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Compact size antenna for skin implantable medical devices
Janapala D.K., Moses N., Bhagavathsingh J.
Source: International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies Volume: ,P: 1-10(Scopus) (WoS)
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Let G.S., Bala G.J., Pratap C.B., Janapala D.K., Kezia T.
Source: Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Volume: 114,1P: 113-124(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Generation of a high chirp rate microwave signal by using external optical modulation technique for RADAR application: theory and experiment
Raghuwanshi S.K., Srivastava A., Palodiya V., Pareek P.
Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 55,1P: 1-14(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Impulse Noise Removal using Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
Varma A.K.C., Dileep M., Prudhvi Raj B., Prasanna Kumar G.
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 2901,1P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: Connectivity and Reliability Analysis of Underwater Sensor Network in Shallow Water
Padmavathy N., Venkateswara Rao Ch.
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 2901,1P: 1-10(Scopus)
Title: Polarization-Insensitive Tunable UWB Metasurface Absorber with Wide-Angle Characteristics
Maurya N.K., Ghosh J., Subramanian S.
Source: 2023 8th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication, CODEC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-2(Scopus)
Title: Empirical Analysis of Energy Harvesting and Clustering Methods for D2D Communication Systems
Kumar B.V., Vijayarangan R., Thirumurugan V., Sugumaran S., Raghunathareddy M.V.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Soft Computing Techniques, EASCT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-16(Scopus)
Title: Channel Estimation and Sparse Signal Processing in mm- Wave MIMO Systems
Srinivas C.H.V.V.S., Borugadda S.
Source: 2023 7th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation, ICCUBEA 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Optimizing Multi-Cell NOMA System Performance with Power Allocation and SIC Analysis
Chandra K.R., Manikanta S.P., Durgachandramouli Y., Mowlika P.S.S.N., Srinivas C.H.V.V.S., Budumuru P.R.
Source: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications, ICMNWC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Live Telecasting Robo using Arduino Uno
Prasad D.D., Lahari P., Nandini G., Harshitha Y.T.P., Sireesha P.V.P., Kumar J.D.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication, ICACIC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Antenna Hybrid Beamforming Technique in mm-Wave MIMO Systems
Srinivas C.V.V., Prasanna V.L., Ramya S., Murthy L.D.S.S., Lakshmi N.D.N., Varma A.K.C.
Source: 2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics and Communication Engineering, AECE 2023 Volume: ,P: 991-996(Scopus)
Title: Metal Detecting Robot with Location Transmission System
Murthy S.V.S.N., Vijjapu A., Kumar D.V., Vinod G.V., Rajasekhar K., Srinivas C.H.V.V.S.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 55-60(Scopus)
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Budumuru P.R., Chegondi S., Leela Vamsi M., Arjun M., Rohith M., Harikrishna N.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1449-1452(Scopus)
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Chandra K.R., Nakka T., Nadigatla N., Vardhan Reddy N.V.S.T.S., Nulu S., Kali A.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 300-305(Scopus)
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Venkateswara Rao C., Chegondi S., Myla K., Murala S., Myla S.S., Kalava D.R.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1445-1448(Scopus)
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Durga Prasad D., Subba Rami Reddy K.V., Ravi Kumar P., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Pathi A.M.V., Kumar G.P.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 224-229(Scopus)
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Subba Reddy M.K.V., Priya Harika T., Bharath Pali D.S.H., Pala S.A., Kanchi G., Kodiboina K.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1453-1457(Scopus)
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Srinivas Y., Vinay K., Leela Vamsi M., Arjun M., Rohith M., Harikrishna N.
Source: 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 929-934(Scopus)
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Ch V.R., Subba Reddy M.K.V., Kishore J., Phani Sirisha R.V., Srinivasa Seshagiri Rao B., Killamsetti H.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1053-1057(Scopus)
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Kumar G.P., Arputharaj V.J., Kumar P.R., Kumar D.V., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Budumuru P.R.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 562-567(Scopus)
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Ch V.R., Ch V., Reddy M.K.V.S., Raju K.S., Sirisha R.V.P., Killamsetti H.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 95-99(Scopus)
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Satyanarayana B.V.V., Prasanna Kumar G., Budumuru P.R., Kiranmayi Sridhara S.V., Swathi S., Phani T.S.S.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 166-173(Scopus)
Title: Application of Soft Computing Techniques for Predictive Analytics in Financial Markets
Bhavya K.R., Dharmaraj A., Pareek P., Ashok Sathe M., Tiwari M., Manoharan G.
Source: Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2023 Volume: ,P: 1756-1760(Scopus)
Title: Two-Dimensional Panoramic Image Stitching using PCA-SIFT Approach
Murthy S.V.S.N., Varma A.K.C., Asha G., Varma A.V.S.S., Srinivas C.H.V.V.S., Vijjapu A.
Source: International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application, ICSCNA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 825-831(Scopus)
Title: An Automatic Vehicle Speed Controlling based on Traffic Signs Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
Keerthi T., Kumari A., Chinnaiah M.C., Basha M., Chekuri R.R., Krishna D.H., Padmavathy N.
Source: 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
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Chandra K.R., Ramyanjani P., Farid S., Himaja S., Vesli R.J., Reddy S.S.K.
Source: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication, ICOSEC 2023 Volume: ,P: 163-167(Scopus)
Title: Optimization-Based Collision Avoidance in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
Sugumaran S., Buvaneswari B., Senthilkumar K.S., Jeevitha R., Ramachandra A.C.
Source: International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Sustainable Computing, ICAISC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: A Comprehensive Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Date Fruit Genotype Classification
Subbarao M.V., Rani U.L.S., Sindhu J.T.S., Kumar G.P., Ravuri V., Silpa N.
Source: International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Sustainable Computing, ICAISC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: High Gain Hexaport Millimetre Wave MIMO Antenna for 5G Service LMDS and N257 Band Applications
Krishna C.M., Suguna N., Maha Lakshmi N.V.K., Saravanakumar R., Puri S.C., Subbareddy M.K.V.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 1024 LNEE,P: 515-530(Scopus)
Title: Investigations on Feature Ranking Algorithms for Date Fruit Genotype Detection
Subbarao M.V., Rani U.L.S., Mythreya V.H., Kumar G.P., Priyakanth R., Abudhagir U.S.
Source: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems, ICCES 2023 Volume: ,P: 1506-1513(Scopus)
Title: Towards Human-Like Robotic Grasping for Industrial Applications Using Computer Vision
Prasada Rao Borra S., Sandiri R., Nalajala P., Majji S., Saravanakumar C., Chandra K.R.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 665 LNNS,P: 173-181(Scopus)
Title: Multi Agent Deep Reinforcement learning with Deep Q-Network based energy efficiency and resource allocation in NOMA wireless Systems
Chandra K.R., Borugadda S.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, ICEEICT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-8(Scopus)
Title: Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna at 3.5 GHz Frequency Using FEKO Simulation
Ramakrishna C., Krishna Chaitnaya Varma A., Orugu R., Srinivas Ch V.V.S., Subba Reddy M K.V., Rao Ch V.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, ICEEICT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Design of Speed and Area Efficient Non Linear Carry Select Adder (NLCSLA) Architecture Using XOR Less Adder Module
Ykuntam Y.D., Penumutchi B., Gubbala S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 992 LNEE,P: 81-91(Scopus)
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Narendra Babu A., Brahmanandam P.S., Uma G., Pushpa K., Srinivas K., Praneetha A.
Source: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume: 992 LNEE,P: 165-172(Scopus)
Title: Modified Encryption Standard for Reversible Data Hiding using AES and LSB Steganography
Raju B.E., Sankar M.R., Kumar T.S., Chandra K.R., Durga V.B., Kumar G.P.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
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Matta V.P., Miriyala R.S., Gayatri Sarman K.V.S.H., Reddy M K.V.S., Pathi A M.V., Venkateswara Rao C.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Implementation of Beam Selection Algorithm in Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems
Srinivas C.V.V.S., Lakshmi N.D.N., Varma A.K.C.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Identification of Gender and Age using Classification and Convolutional Networks
Prasad D.D., Subba Rami Reddy K.V., Akash N., Dakshayani K., Jessica N., Krishna C.R.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Emotion Analysis of Tweets
Prasad D.D., Guttula P., Manasa T.S.R., Sri V.B., Prashanth T., Sai P.N.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: LP/CP Re-configurable Antenna for 5G Applications
Orugu R., Nesasudha M., Janapala D.K.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Steganalysis using Convolutional Neural Networks-Yedroudj Net
Vijjapu A., Vinod Y.S., Murty S.V.S.N., Raju B.E., Satyanarayana B.V.V., Kumar G.P.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: Dual Semi Circular Disc Loaded Planar Antenna for 5G/WLAN applications
Orugu R., Nesasudha M., Chaithyanya Varma A.K., Janapala D.K.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-3(Scopus)
Title: Evaluation of Sound Propagation, Absorption, and Transmission Loss of an Acoustic Channel Model in Shallow Water
Venkateswara Rao C., Swathi S., Charan P.S.R., Santhosh Kumar C.V.V., Pathi A.M.V., Praveena V.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 613 LNNS,P: 455-465(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of MIMO System with Different Receiver Structures
Varma T.P., Naraganeni S., Chandra K.R., Rao K.P., Pathi M.V.A., Venkateswara Rao C.
Source: 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2023 Volume: ,P: 829-833(Scopus)
Title: Area Optimised Efficient Multiplication Using Modified Round Square Approximation
Raju G.R.L.V.N.S., Nikitha T.N., Ram G.C., Chary U.G., Vardhan J.N.V., Kumar J.D.
Source: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Capacity Evaluation of MIMO System:with and without Successive Interference Cancellation
Srinivas P., Miriyala R.S., Matsa N., Kantham M.S.N.V.A.L., Yallapu S., Venkateswara Rao Ch.
Source: Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2023 Volume: ,P: 27-31(Scopus)
Title: Price Estimation of Used Cars Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Valarmathi B., Gupta N.S., Santhi K., Chellatamilan T., Kavitha A., Raahil A., Padmavathy N.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 26-41(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Fast DCP Algorithm for Single Image Dehazing
Sravanthi I., Sudha Madhavi A., Venkata Pavan G., Karthik Sai Kiran B., Bhaavan Sri Sailesh A., V V Santhosh Kumar C., Venkateswara Rao C.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 134-143(Scopus)
Title: Alzheimer’s Disease Detection Using Ensemble of Classifiers
Satyanarayana B.V.V., Kumar G.P., Varma A.K.C., Dileep M., Srinivas Y., Budumuru P.R.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 55-65(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Multiwavelet Transform for Single Image Dehazing
Sankar M.R., Srinivas P., Praveena V., Bhavani D., Suseela M.S.U., Srinivas Y., Rao C.V.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 125-133(Scopus)
Title: Analysis of Acoustic Channel Model Characteristics in Deep-Sea Water
Venkateswara Rao C., Ravi Sankar M., S R Charan P., Bavya Sri V., Bhaavan Sri Sailesh A., Sri Uma Suseela M., Padmavathy N.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 234-243(Scopus)
Title: Comparison of Acoustic Channel Characteristics in Shallow and Deep-Sea Water
Venkateswara Rao C., Sankar M.R., Prasad T.N., Devi R., Suseela M.S.U., Praveena V., Srinivas Y.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 256-266(Scopus)
Title: Voice Based Objects Detection for Visually Challenged Using Active RFID Technology
Gayatri Sarman K.V.S.H., Gubbala S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 170-179(Scopus)
Title: Study of Smart City Compatible Monolithic Quantum Well Photodetector
Pareek P., Maurya N.K., Singh L., Gupta N., Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 215-224(Scopus)
Title: Information Theoretic Heuristics to Find the Minimal SOP Expression Considering Don’t Care Using Binary Decision Diagrams
Padmavathy N., Jhansi K.S., Ormila K., Valarmathi B.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 86-111(Scopus)
Title: Machine Learning Framework for Identification of Abnormal EEG Signal
Rao A.P., Bhaskar J., Kumar G.P.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 42-54(Scopus)
Title: IoT Enabled Driver Compatible Cost-Effective System for Drowsiness Detection with Optimized Response Time
Sarkar A., Kundu M., Pareek P., Gupta N., Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 159-169(Scopus)
Title: A Comprehensive Review on Channel Estimation Methods for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems
Srinivas C.V.V.S., Borugadda S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 244-255(Scopus)
Title: Water Quality Monitoring Using Remote Control Boat
Rao A.P., Sarman K.V.S.H.G., Kumar G.V.P., Yerra S.D.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 201-212(Scopus)
Title: Single Image Dehazing Through Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network
Sharmila K.S., Asha A.V.S., Archana P., Chandra K.R.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 115-124(Scopus)
Title: Non Destructive Analysis of Crack Using Image Processing, Ultrasonic and IRT: A Critical Review and Analysis
Ramani P., Subbiah Bharathi V., Sugumaran S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 144-155(Scopus)
Title: Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for 5G Applications at n77 and n78 Bands
Orugu R., Moses N., Janapala D.K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 225-233(Scopus)
Title: Modern Four-Port MIMO Antenna Design Using Bended Curves for 5G Communications
Venkatrao K., Sriramam Y.S.S., Suguna N., Tirumani N.P., Rama Krishna C., Murali Krishna C.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 492,P: 681-693(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Gamma Band: A Bio-Marker to Detect Epileptic Seizures
Das S., Jabirullah M., Afreen N., Prabhakara Rao A., Gayatri Sarman K.V.S.H.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 443,P: 355-364(Scopus)
Title: Smart Home Garden Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things
Bhargav M.S.S., Varma A.K.C., Venkateswara Rao Ch., Srinivas Ch.V.V.S., Orugu R., Shaik A.R.
Source: Proceedings - IEEE 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2023 Volume: ,P: 987-990(Scopus)
Title: Smart Watering System for Terrace Garden Using LabVIEW
Chodisetti L.S.S.P.K., Monisha Sindhu K., Naveen Kumar Manikanta M., Hema Venkata Sri Satya K., Mohan Balaji M., Venkateswara Rao Ch.
Source: Proceedings - IEEE 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2023 Volume: ,P: 979-982(Scopus)
Title: Preface
Gupta N., Pareek P., Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 5-6(Scopus)
Title: Unsteady mixed convective flow of hybrid nanofluid past a rotating sphere with heat generation/absorption: an impact of shape factor
Kumar A., Dash A.P., Ray A.K., Sethy P., Kasireddy I.
Source: International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow Volume: 33,11P: 3691-3715(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Transformer-Less Novel Hybrid Converter Based Solar PV fed UPS System
Naveen P., Baskaran B., Rao R.V.D.R.
Source: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Volume: 32,8P: 1-23(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A Hybrid Structured High Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Integration of Energy Storage Systems in Military Applications
Bheemraj T.S., Anil Kumar Y., Karthikeyan V., Pragaspathy S.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs Volume: 70,4P: 1545-1549(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Concurrent UPQC Schemes for the Power Quality Improvement in Solar Photovoltaic Systems
Chittala P.K., Elanchezhian E.B., Subramani P.
Source: Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Volume: 16,7P: 763-774(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Modelling of symmetric switched capacitor multilevel inverter for high power appliances
Kumar D.G., Sireesha N.V., Rao D.S.N.M., Kasireddy I., Narukullapati B.K., Gatla R.K., Babu P.C., Saravanan S.
Source: Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems Volume: 26,1P: 18-25(Scopus)
Title: Quality Evaluation and Assessment of Machine Translations for English to Turkish (Google Translations Vs DeepL Translations)
Nagineni V.S., Bhoopal N., Dsnmrao D., Idamakanti K., Kumar D.G., Teja Bacha B.
Source: 2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications, GCITC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: Modelling of a Novel Eight Switch 15-Level Asymmetric Inverter for PV Sources
Kumar D.G., Nagineni V.S., Sivanaga Malleswara Rao D., Idamakanti K., Bacha B.T., Karunanithi K.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering, ICEMCE 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Ultra-Gain DC-DC Converter fed 3-O Inverter for Variable-Speed Drive Applications
Swaroop K.P., Duvvuri S.S., Varma S.D.K., Garapati D.P., Koduri O., Narasimharaju V.S.N.
Source: 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control, STPEC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Polyphase DC-DC Boost Converter fed 3-O Inverter for Induction Motor Drives
Swaroop K.P., Duvvuri S.S., Varma S.D.K., Garapati D.P., Koduri O., Narasimharaju V.S.N.
Source: 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control, STPEC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: An Intelligent Controller-based Water Pumping Applications Driven by Solar Power
Prasad Babu P.K.V., Geethasri D., Padmaja K.D., Pragaspathy S., Karthikeyan V., Sudagar M.
Source: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications, ICIRCA 2023 Volume: ,P: 1555-1559(Scopus)
Title: Analysis of SAR ImagesDe-speckling using a Bilateral filter and Feed Forward Neural Networks
Kalaiyarasi M., Saravanan S., Narukullapati B.K., Kasireddy I., Naga Malleswara Rao D.S., Nagineni Venkata Sireesha D.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, ICEEICT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Broken Rotor Bar Fault in 3-O Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors: A Critical Observations
Duvvuri S.S.S.R.S., Swaroop K.P., Varma S.D.K., Gogula S., Duvvury V.S.B.C., Raju V.S.N.N.
Source: 2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing, PICC 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Control System Engineering through MATLAB-A Case Study on Project based Learning
Sahoo S., Mahesh V., Narukullapati B.K., Kasireddy I., Padhan D.G., Naga Malleswara Rao D.S.
Source: 2nd Edition of IEEE Delhi Section Owned Conference, DELCON 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Optimal Control of Solar PV Fed EV Charging Station Using PSO Algorithm
Chandrasekaran R., Karthikkumar S., Sheela A., Subramani P., Aravindh G., Rajkumar P.
Source: 2023 3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies, ICAECT 2023 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Solar Energy Prediction using Machine Learning with Support Vector Regression Algorithm
Kasireddy I., Padmini K., Ramarao R.V.D., Seshagiri B., Rani B.V.N.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 472 LNICST,P: 17-25(Scopus)
Title: Predict Early Pneumonitis in Health Care Using Hybrid Model Algorithms. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
M. Srikanth, Ramisetty Upendra, & Reddy Navya Sri
Source: Machine Learning and Neural Network (JAIMLNN) Volume: 3,3P: 14-26(GS)
Title: Integrated Technologies For Proactive Bridge-Related Suicide Prevention
M.Srikanth, Manikanta Sirigineedi, Padma Bellapukonda, Bhanurangarao M
Source: Journal of Namibian Studies Volume: 33,P: 2117-2136(GS)
Title: Security of Medical Multimodality Images for Telemedicine Using PDESNet Encryption Standard
Madhuri P.S., Kumar D.J.N., Amutha B.
Source: 2023 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Technologies, INCOFT 2023 Volume: ,P: 30-34(Scopus)
Title: Dynamic Load Balancing Framework for Context Sensitive Offloading Scheme in Mobile Cloud Computing
Raju P., Chintalapati P.V., Babu G.R., Ravi Kumar P.L.V.D., Sirigineedi M., Kumar K.S.
Source: Proceedings - 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, ICACCTech 2023 Volume: ,P: 142-149(Scopus)
Title: Deep Learning Approaches for Autonomous Driving to Detect Traffic Signs
Sirigineedi M., Kumaravel T., Natesan P., Shruthi V.K., Kowsalya M., Malarkodi M.S.
Source: International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application, ICSCNA 2023 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1276-1282(Scopus)
Title: Experimental Study on Transition of Single Phase to Two Phase in a Natural Circulation Loop Filled with Al2O3 Nanofluid
Sudi V.S.S., Kupireddy K.K., Balasubramanian K., Nagireddy P.D.
Source: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Mechanical Engineering Volume: 47,4P: 1437-1447(Scopus)
Title: Comparison of the Anode Side Catalyst Supports with and without Incorporation of Liquid Electrolyte Layer on the Performance of a Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Boni M., Velisala V., Kattela S., Sudheer S.V.S., Pullagura G., Barik D.
Source: International Journal of Energy Research Volume: 2023,P: 1224-1229(Scopus)
Title: Optimisation of cold extrusion process parameters on AA 2024 alloy using grey relational analysis
Francy K.A., Rao C.S.
Source: International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation Volume: 14,2P: 178-198(Scopus)
Title: Study on Free Vibration Analysis of a Rotating FibreGraphene-Reinforced Hybrid Polymer CompositesPre- Twist Shell
I. Ramu, Battina N. Malleswararao, J. Chandra Sekhar, M. Venu1, P. Senthil Kumar
Source: INCAS BULLETIN Volume: 15,2P: 149-159(GS)
Title: Studies on Influence of Surface Modifications on the Mechanical Properties of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Benda M.A., Nandivelugu N.K., Mangam V., Gamini S.
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 3006,1P: 1-8(Scopus)
Title: Comparison on single point incremental forming and micro incremental forming - A review
Nagappa S., Niranjan T., Kotha M.N.V.S.A.S., Chinamilli N.V.S.S., Srinivas P., Yoganjaneyulu G.
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 2810,P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: Analytical Estimation of Power for a Fabricated Power Generating Train Using Rack and Pinion Mechanism
Daloji L., Venkatesh M., Rao N., Venu M.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 345-352(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Finite Life of Low-Carbon Steel Cylindrical Notched Specimens
Durga Hemanth Kumar K., Daloji L., Chandra Sekhar J., Ramu I.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 499-511(Scopus)
Title: Experimental Investigation to Enhance the Performance of Freezer with Phase Change Material
Vinod M., Mahesh Chakravarthi V., Venu M., Krishna D.V.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 977-984(Scopus) (WoS)


Title: Runtime-based metaheuristic prediction of the compressive strength of net-zero traditional concrete mixed with BFS, FA, SP considering multiple curing regimes
Onyelowe K.C.; Kontoni D.-P.N.; Pilla S.R.M.; Hanandeh S.; Ebid A.M.; Razzaghian Ghadikolaee M.; Stephen L.U.
Source: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Volume: 25,2P: 1241-1253(Scopus)
Title: Innovative machine learning applications for cryptography: Encryption techniques in machine learning-a concise overview
Bandaru V.N.R.; Visalakshi P.; Ponnuru L.N.P.K.; Rafee S.M.; Suresh Kumar G.
Source: Machine Learning and Cryptographic Solutions for Data Protection and Network Security Volume: ,P: 12-28(Scopus)
Title: Modeling the Data Object Routing in Data Aware Networking
Devarakonda G.K.M.; Pilla S.R.M.; Bitra P.; Kumar P.L.N.P.; Durga P.V.V.; Pitchai R.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 376-382(Scopus)
Title: Quantification of Drospirenone- and Ethinyl Estradiol-Related Impurities in a Combined Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by a Chromatography Method With a QbD Robustness Study
Chinta S.R.; Chintala V.; Nandimalla V.; Ch R.; Ediga S.G.; Kowtharapu L.P.; Katari N.K.
Source: Journal of AOAC International Volume: 107,1P: 31-39(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Exploration of the structural, magnetic, and DC electrical resistivity characteristics of nanoparticles consisting of Sm3+ substituted NiCuZn spinel ferrite
Venkata Suresh B.; Srinivasa Rao G.; Yadav Mudi R.; Balaji Gupta Tiruveedhi V.L.N.
Source: Inorganic Chemistry Communications Volume: 159,P: 12-28(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Structural investigation, magnetic and DC electrical resistivity properties of Co0.5-xNixZn0.5Fe2O4 nano ferrites
Yadav Mudi R.; Balaji Gupta Tiruveedhi V.L.N.; Kothandan D.; Shanmukhi P.S.V.; Wegayehu Mammo T.; Murali N.
Source: Inorganic Chemistry Communications Volume: 160,P: 12-28(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A New Series of Indole and Azaindole Derivatives with Oxo-dihydropyridines: Synthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxicity Studies against Breast Malignant Cell Lines
Madugula A.K.; Jagadeesh K.; Varma D.B.N.S.; Kadiyala K.G.; Pedada S.R.A.O.; Guttula R.S.; Nagababu U.; Rangaiah G.
Source: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 36,3P: 669-676(Scopus)
Title: Excess Thermodynamic Parameters of Binary Liquid Mixtures of Dimethyl Malonate with Isomeric Xylenes at Different Temperatures
Krishna K.P.; Sri P.B.S.; Sekhar D.C.; Gupta T.V.L.N.B.; Satyanarayana R.L.
Source: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 36,4P: 889-894(Scopus)
Title: Effect of Cr3+ substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Co0.5Cu0.25Mg0.25Fe2-xCrxO4 nano ferrites
Lakshmikanth G.V.; Raju P.M.S.; Velmurugan S.
Source: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume: 35,18P: 1241-1248(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Facile synthesis and characterization of PbS thin films doped with various aluminum concentrations for photovoltaic applications
Reddy T.S.; Vijaya Krishna S.; Vinaya Kumar A.; Ramanjaneyulu M.; Raja Sekhar N.; Santhosh Kumar M.C.
Source: Semiconductor Science and Technology Volume: 39,7P: 1-10(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Mg2+ -induced luminescence enrichment and dielectric investigations on Ca(WO4): Tm3+/Yb3+
Krishna K.M.; Kumar K.; Qaid S.M.H.; Asemi N.N.; Yaragan Y.V.; Arepalli V.K.; Kumar A.
Source: Optical Materials Volume: 154,P: 1-8(Scopus) (WoS)
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Saroja J.; Jagadeesh K.; Varma Dendukuri B.N.S.; Guttula R.S.; Kumari B.L.; Chandrashekar C.
Source: Acta Chromatographica Volume: ,P: 2-13(Scopus) (WoS)
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Arepalli V.K.; Yang E.; Patil A.A.; Wi J.-S.; Park J.S.; Lee J.-M.; Lee S.; Chung C.-H.
Source: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume: 1008,P: 1-9(Scopus) (WoS)
Radhika A.J.V.; Yedlapalli P.; Raju P.; Ch. Kishore G.N.V.; Sri Krishna A.; Pradeep Kumar R.L.N.
Source: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences Volume: 6,3P: 1299-1308(Scopus)
Kanuri V.R.; Chandra Sekhar K.V.; Brahmanandam P.S.; Murthy M.S.R.
Source: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences Volume: 6,3P: 1309-1316(Scopus)
Nalla V.; Rallabandi L.N.P.K.; Brahmanandam P.S.
Source: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences Volume: 6,3P: 1265-1272(Scopus)
Title: Corrigendum to ZnO nanowire broadband ultra-wide-angle optical diffusers grown by aqueous chemical bath deposition
Arepalli V.K.; Yang E.; Patil A.A.; Wi J.-S.; Park J.S.; Lee J.-M.; Lee S.; Chung C.-H.
Source: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume: ,P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: A case study of women’s entrepreneurship dynamics in three rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, a south Indian state
Dhulipudi S.M.; Sree Devi P.; Pusapati P.; Goriparthi J.V.P.; Ramakrishna V.; Uppati R.; Sri Satya G.; Gouthu U.; Potula S.B.
Source: Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development Volume: 8,11P: 1-15(Scopus)
Title: Impact of Cr3+ substitution on Co0.5Ni0.25Mg0.25Fe2−xCrxO4 nano ferrites: structural and magnetic characteristics
Lakshmikanth G.V.; Raju P.M.S.; Velmurugan S.
Source: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Volume: 130,12P: 873-885(Scopus) (WoS)
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Source: Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal Volume: 122,4P: 1-3(GS)
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Source: INNOVATIVE THOUGHTS Volume: 11,1P: 1-2(GS)
Title: The study of rate constants of redox reactions on cobalt (III) complexes of a-hydroxy acids with quinolinium chlorochromate (QCC) in micellar medium
Raghupathi Raju M.V.; Vijaya Kumar N.; Tulasi Bhavani K.; Subramani K.; Rama Swamy G.; Prameela Devi S.; Tirumala Rao B.; Lakshmi Kanth G.V.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2765,1P: 12008-12011(Scopus)
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Krishna M.R.; Alifa Firdhos Farheen M.; Killamsetti H.
Source: Proceedings of ICWITE 2024: IEEE International Conference for Women in Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship Volume: 16,P: 345-348(Scopus)
Title: Evaluating the Effects of Vanadium- infused CaBP Nanophosphors: Insights into structural Morphological and Photoluminescent studies
Rajesh Yadav M.; Rajyalakshmi C.; Balaji Gupta T V.L.N.; Lakshmikanth G.V.; Ravikumar R.V.S.S.N.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 1-11(Scopus)
Title: Synergistic Integration of Mn-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles with Hibiscus Nano-Host Matrix: Synthesis, Characterization, and Potential Applications
Naga Bhaskararao Y.; Tirumala Rao B.; Rupa Venkateswara Rao B.; Naveen Kumar B.V.; Rajyalakshmi C.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-7(Scopus)
Title: Identification of Hub Genes in Pancreatic Cancer Using Rna Sequence Analysis
Jagadeeswararao G.; Sivaprasad A.; Gopal K.V.; Sunil B.
Source: 2024 OPJU International Technology Conference on Smart Computing for Innovation and Advancement in Industry 4.0, OTCON 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Amelioration of High-plasticity Cohesive Soils Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag for Low-volume Pavement Applications
Venkateswararao T.; Alisha S.S.
Source: Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology Volume: ,P: 1-20(Scopus) (WoS)
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Source: Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia) Volume: 59,3P: 481-493(Scopus)
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Reddy P.N.; Vijay K.; Kavyatheja B.; Reddy G.G.K.; Reddy A.N.; Jindal B.B.; Kumar A.U.
Source: Discover Applied Sciences Volume: 6,7P: 1-21(Scopus)
Title: Mechanical performance enhancement of recycled aggregate concrete using GGBS and fly ash for sustainable construction
Sarma V.V.S.; Subhan Alisha S.; Vijay K.; Gireesh Kumar P.; Sai Kumar K.S.
Source: Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design Volume: 7,3P: 1693-1700(Scopus)
Title: A study on the synthesis and performance evaluation of fly ash and alccofine as sustainable cementitious materials
Padavala S.S.A.B.; Noolu V.; Paluri Y.; Bijivemula S.K.R.; Akula U.K.
Source: Scientific Reports Volume: 14,1P: 1-27(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Evaluating the performance of concrete containing Reclaimed asphalt Pavement as coarse Aggregate
Matsyapuri Bhagyalakshmi,, Kunamaneni Vijay, M. Ashok Kumar
Source: CVR Journal of Science of technology Volume: 26,P: 1-5(GS)
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Teja Prathipati S.R.R.; Paluri Y.; Kasanagi H.; Kunamineni V.
Source: Innovations and Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Volume: 57,3P: 1-17(Scopus)
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Jayaprakash P.O.; Reddy P.N.; Kavyatheja B.V.; Reddy B.D.; Babu M.M.; Kunamineni V.
Source: Innovations and Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Volume: ,P: 45-54(Scopus)
Title: Fiber reinforced concrete-A review
Reddy P.N.; Kavyatheja B.V.; Kunamineni V.; Reddy B.D.; Jyothy S.A.; Babu M.M.; Jayaprakash P.O.
Source: Innovations and Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Volume: 3,P: 35-43(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Volume: 455,P: 439-450(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Volume: 457,P: 429-441(Scopus)
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Source: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Volume: 336 LNCE,P: 313-322(Scopus)
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Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1326,1P: 2-11(Scopus)
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Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 3108,1P: 1-10(Scopus)
Title: Assessment of Land use Land Cover Changes in West Godavari District Using Gis
Kyle S.; Devika B.M.; Priyadarshini T.I.; Paul S.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-8(Scopus)
Title: Feasible study on optimal utilization of blended fly ash and GGBS on the performance of concrete
Ashok Kumar M.; Vijay K.; Syam Babu D.; Reddy P.N.; Sagar T.S.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-10(Scopus)
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Alisha S.S.; Fayaz P.; Rani Bandaru V.N.; Biradar S.V.; Rohith P.; Vasudhar K.V.; Rupa Venkata Ganesh S.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-13(Scopus)
Title: Effect of Water Quality on Performance of Concrete: A Study Towards Developing Sustainable Concrete
Sarma V.V.S.; Sai Kumar K.S.; Devika B.M.; Alisha S.S.; Sree Kumar K.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-17(Scopus)
Title: Comparative Study on Properties of Plastic Bricks with Conventional Bricks
Biradar S.V.; Srujan Kumar A.; Vijaya Gowri T.; Alisha S.S.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-10(Scopus)
Title: Predicting the Compressive Strength of Concrete by using Machine Learning Techniques
Bandaru M.D.; Kyle S.; Priyadarshini T.I.; Prasad Bokka D.V.; Sai U.G.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-11(Scopus)
Title: Exploring the Impact of Alccofine and Quarry Dust on Compressive and Split Tensile Strength of Concrete
Prasad Bokka D.V.; Sree Kumar K.; Suseela K.; Rohith P.; Purna Chandra Rao P.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 2-10(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Concrete with Replacement of Pumice and M-Sand: A Comprehensive Analysis
Sai Kumar K.S.; Greeshma P.; Rambabu K.G.S.V.; Pavan Kumar J.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: Towards Greener Construction: Assessing the Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Demolition Waste and Quarry Dust Blends
Sree Kumar K.; Prasad Bokka D.V.; Manne M.; Alisha S.S.; Rambabu P.
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume: 2779,1P: 12045-12045(Scopus)
Title: Preface
Teja Prathipati S.R.R.; Paluri Y.; Kasanagi H.; Kunamineni V.
Source: Innovations and Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Volume: ,P: 7-10(Scopus)
Title: EconomicAnalysis of Pharmacological Interventions for Substance Use Disorders Cost-effectiveness and Market Dynamics
Raju K.G.; Goud P.V.; Parween S.; Ramarao M.; Leelavati T.S.; Madhavi S.; Aminabee S.
Source: Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research Volume: 13,7P: 553-565(Scopus)
Title: Comparative Analysis of Feature Ranking Algorithms for Erythemato-Squamous Disease Classification
Subbarao M.V.; Kumar T.S.; Sharmila T.N.; Praveena S.L.; Kavitha D.N.S.B.; Archana P.
Source: Proceedings - 2024 International Conference on Social and Sustainable Innovations in Technology and Engineering, SASI-ITE 2024 Volume: 23,P: 327-332(Scopus)
Title: Advanced Signal Detection and Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems via LSTM Network
Terlapu S.K.; Subbarao M.V.; Vegesna N.; Ravuri V.; Archana P.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 1147 LNNS,P: 537-547(Scopus)
Title: SPRAG: building and benchmarking a Short Programming-Related Answer Grading dataset
Bonthu S.; Sree S.R.; Prasad M.H.M.K.
Source: International Journal of Data Science and Analytics Volume: 4,P: 1-13(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Generous Information Safety System for Investors in Online Trading Secretly using KP-ABE Machine Learning Method
Kolli S.; Hanuman A.S.; Ratnam J.V.K.; Janardhana Naidu J.N.S.S.; Shankar D.; Saikumar K.
Source: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Volume: 12,7sP: 285-297(Scopus)
Title: Modelling biochemical oxygen demand in a large inland aquaculture zone of India: Implications and insights
Nagaraju T.V.; Sri Bala G.; Bonthu S.; Mantena S.
Source: Science of the Total Environment Volume: 906,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Statistical Comparative Analysis of Semantic Similarities and Model Transferability Across Datasets for Short Answer Grading
Bonthu S.; Sree S.R.; Prasad M.H.M.K.
Source: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Volume: 12,15sP: 530-538(Scopus)
Title: Deep learning for Multi-horizon Water levelForecasting in KRS reservoir, India
Dayal A.; Bonthu S.; T V.N.; Saripalle P.; Mohan R.
Source: Results in Engineering Volume: 21,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Framework for automation of short answer grading based on domain-specific pre-training
Bonthu S.; Sree S.R.; Krishna Prasad M.H.M.
Source: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Volume: 137,P: 1-10(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Harnessing explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for enhanced geopolymer concrete mix optimization
Revathi B.; Gobinath R.; Bala G.S.; Nagaraju T.V.; Bonthu S.
Source: Results in Engineering Volume: 24,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: The quintenary influence of industrial wastes on the compressive strength of high-strength geopolymer concrete under different curing regimes for sustainable structures; a GSVR-XGBoost hybrid model
Garcia C.; Andrade Valle A.I.; Hashim Muhodir S.; Onyelowe K.C.; Imran H.; Henedy S.N.; Chilakala B.M.; Verma M.
Source: Frontiers in Built Environment Volume: 10,P: 1-15(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Segmentation and classification of brain tumor using Taylor fire hawk optimization enabled deep learning approach
Rout A.K.; D S.; S N.; Ponnada S.
Source: Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine Volume: 4,P: 1-22(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Expanding Applications of TinyML in Versatile Assistive Devices: From Navigation Assistance to Health Monitoring System Using Optimized NASNet-XGBoost Transfer Learning
Ponnada S.; Tak T.K.; Kshirsagar P.R.; Rao P.S.; Dayal A.
Source: IEEE Access Volume: 12,P: 168328-168338(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Temperature-dependent compressive strength modeling of geopolymer blocks utilizing glass powder and steel slag
Janga S.; Raut A.; Bahrami A.; Nagaraju T.V.; Bonthu S.
Source: Results in Materials Volume: 24,P: 1-24(Scopus)
Title: A Data-Driven Approach to Vehicle Safety: IoT and ML Accident Detection
Kocharla L.; Tiwari R.; Kumari E.N.V.; Shankar D.; Al-Salman G.A.; Sai Kumar K.
Source: 2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2024 Volume: 5,P: 1-6(Scopus)
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Sree Divya K.; Swetha G.; Charyulu G.M.; Madhuri P.S.; Srividya M.; Mutar M.L.; Saikumar K.
Source: 2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2024 Volume: 8,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Exploring Public Perception and Opinion Trends on Agnipath Scheme Through Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling of Tweets
Boddapati M.S.D.; Desamsetti S.A.; Hussain S.M.; Rao V.V.R.M.
Source: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics Volume: 421,P: 743-752(Scopus)
Title: Predicting Cryptocurrency Price Using Multiple Deep Learning Models
Vijaya Durga P.V.; Anusha G.
Source: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics Volume: 421,P: 247-258(Scopus)
Title: Enhancing Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection with Machine Learning and Image Processing Techniques
Hussain S.M.; Prasanthi B.V.; Kandula N.; Uppalapati P.J.; Dasika S.
Source: Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume: 1954 CCIS,P: 256-272(Scopus)
Title: QuMaDe: Quick Foreground Mask and Monocular Depth Data Generation
Bonthu S.; Dayal A.; Rao A.L.; Gupta S.
Source: Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume: 1954 CCIS,P: 236-246(Scopus)
Title: A CNN and TF Techniques Development for Efficient Identification of Floral Recognition
Prasad M.; Lakshmi K.A.; Pbv R.R.; Prasanthi B.V.; Sree P.K.; Babu V.R.; Das G.S.
Source: Proceedings - International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies, IC2PCT 2024 Volume: 5,P: 327-332(Scopus)
Title: Advanced NID-VGG16 with Orca Predation Optimization Based 1DCNN-BiLSTM for Network Intrusion Detection
Ratna Kumari K.; Durga N.; Gayathri T.; Sundari C.L.S.; Uppalapati P.J.
Source: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, Confluence 2024 Volume: 18,P: 840-845(Scopus)
Title: Medical Plants Identification Using Leaves Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Ch S N L S Sai Baba B.; Swathi M.; Kiran K.B.; Bharathi B.R.; Matta V.D.; Veenadhari C.L.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 163-171(Scopus)
Title: Unraveling the Techniques for Speaker Diarization
Pechetti G.; Bhavani A.R.D.; Dayal A.; Ponnada S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 300-308(Scopus)
Title: Comparative Analysis of Pretrained Models for Speech Enhancement in Noisy Environments
Mahesh C.; Prasad R.D.; Bibi E.A.; Dayal A.; Bonthu S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 274-287(Scopus)
Title: Creating a Protected Virtual Learning Space: A Comprehensive Strategy for Security and User Experience in Online Education
Boddapati M.S.D.; Desamsetti S.A.; Adina K.; Uppalapati P.J.; Murty P.T.S.; P. B. V R.R.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 350-361(Scopus)
Title: TextRank – Based Keyword Extraction for Constructing a Domain-Specific Dictionary
Bonthu S.; Muddam H.S.S.G.B.; Mudunuri K.V.; Dayal A.; Rao V.V.R.M.; Bolla B.K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 340-349(Scopus)
Title: Single Use Plastic Bottle Recognition and Classification Using Yolo V5 and V8 Architectures
Matta V.D.; Mudunuri K.A.V.R.R.; Sai Baba B.C.S.N.L.S.; Kiran K.B.; Veenadhari C.H.L.; Prasanthi B.V.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 99-106(Scopus)
Title: Optimizing Real Estate Prediction - A Comparative Analysis of Ensemble and Regression Models
Prasad R.D.; Varma V.J.; Jyothi U.P.; Shankar S.S.; Deenakonda M.; Narasimharao K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 142-150(Scopus)
Title: An Optimized Ensemble Machine Learning Framework for Multi-class Classification of Date Fruits by Integrating Feature Selection Techniques
Maheswara Rao V.V.R.; Silpa N.; Reddy S.S.; Hussain S.M.; Bonthu S.; Uppalapati P.J.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 12-27(Scopus)
Title: Glaucoma Stage Classification Using Image Empirical Mode Decomposition (IEMD) and Deep Learning from Fundus Images
Shankar D.; Harsha I.S.; Madhuri P.S.; Naidu J.N.S.S.J.; Madhuri P.K.; Cherukuvada S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 385-402(Scopus)
Title: Enhancing Heart Disease Prediction Through a Heterogeneous Ensemble DL Models
Naidu J.N.S.S.J.; Varma M.A.; Madhuri P.S.; Shankar D.; Matta D.S.; Ramya S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 58-73(Scopus)
Title: Machine Learning and NLP Approach to Predict Hospitalization Upon Adverse Drug Reaction Symptoms of Covid-19 Vaccine Administration
Tiwari A.; Bolla B.K.; Bonthu S.
Source: Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume: 2127 CCIS,P: 344-358(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Message from Patron, Director
Suryanarayana D.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 1-27(Scopus)
Title: MIM Waveguide Based Multi-Functional Plasmonic Logic Device by Phase Modulation
Singh L.; Pareek P.; Saha C.; Dharsthanan V.; Agrawal N.; Kumar R.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology Volume: 23,P: 368-375(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Uplink Performance Analysis of Wireless Energy Harvesting-Enabled NOMA-based Networks
Bepari D.; Mondal S.; Pareek P.; Gupta N.
Source: Mobile Networks and Applications Volume: ,P: 1-16(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Performance Analysis of Spatially Multiplexed Hybrid BPSK-MPPM Modulated Optical Interconnect System Using Triangular Index Multicore Fiber
Kumari A.; Pareek P.; Mishra J.K.
Source: Mobile Networks and Applications Volume: ,P: 1-8(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Efficient Power Prediction for Intersatellite Optical Wireless Communication System Using Artificial Neural Network
Suman S.; Singh A.K.; Pareek P.; Mishra J.K.
Source: Mobile Networks and Applications Volume: ,P: 1-9(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design and Analysis of a Novel Broadband Tweaked T-shaped Stub-loaded Quadrature Power-Splitter
Kumari S.; Maurya N.K.; Pareek P.; Singh L.
Source: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering Volume: ,P: 1-10(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design and analysis of all optical header recognition system employing combination of carrier reservoir SOA and conventional SOA
Agarwal V.; Pareek P.; Singh L.; Balaji B.; Dakua P.K.; Chaurasia V.
Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 56,1P: 1-24(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Tunable ultra-wideband graphene metasurface absorber: A mode merger design approach for terahertz applications
Maurya N.K.; Ghosh J.; Subramanian S.; Pareek P.; Singh L.; Srinivas K.
Source: Optics Communications Volume: 550,P: 1-11(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Sustainable biofuel synthesis from non-edible oils: a mesoporous ZSM-5/Ni/Pt catalyst approach
Mangesh V.L.; Perumal T.; Santhosh S.; Siva Kumar N.; Vijayaraj A.; Kumar G.S.V.S.; Sugumaran S.; Murali G.; Basivi P.K.; Al-Fatesh A.S.
Source: RSC Advances Volume: 14,11P: 7728-7739(Scopus)
Title: Ultrathin tunable UWB metasurface absorber design by exciting plasmonic modes in bilayer graphene stack
Maurya N.K.; Ghosh J.
Source: Diamond and Related Materials Volume: 145,P: 1-13(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Investigation of SPR sensor for immunoglobulin detection by using Ag–Si3N4-BP on the sensing layer
Singh L.; Pareek P.; Kumar R.; Agarwal V.; Maurya N.K.; Bage A.
Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 56,5P: 1-16(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Zn/Ni catalyst facilitates the oxidation of ethyl lactate to ethyl pyruvate by selective progressions on mesoporous SBA-15 support by a continuous processing approach
Hariharan A.; Tamizhdurai P.; Kavitha C.; Yadav K.K.; Kumar R.S.; Sugumaran S.; Subramani A.; Sasikumar P.; Vimalan M.; Albakri G.S.; Khalid M.; Abbas M.; Alreshidi M.A.
Source: Molecular Catalysis Volume: 564,P: 1-11(Scopus)
Title: Performance evaluation of Non-Orthogonal multiple access system based on outage probability and power consumption
Chandra K.R.; Borugadda S.
Source: International Journal of Communication Systems Volume: 37,11P: 1-18(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Energy efficiency enhancement in millimetre-wave MIMO-NOMA using three layer user grouping and adaptive power allocation algorithm
Chandra K.R.; Borugadda S.
Source: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems Volume: 43,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Deep Learning based DWT-Bi-LSTM Classifier for Enhanced Cardiovascular Arrhythmia Classification
Malleswari P.N.; Hanuman C.R.S.; Kammampati V.R.; Swathi S.; Raju B.E.
Source: International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research Volume: 12,3P: 934-939(Scopus)
Title: Detection and classification of arrhythmia disorders using machine learning algorithm
Ramani P.; Sugumaran S.; Devi M.N.; Nagalakshmi T.J.; Annapoorani G.
Source: International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics Volume: 16,5P: 424-439(Scopus)
Babu M.R.A.A.; Chandramohan R.; Rao M.V.G.; Kumar G.P.; Sowjanya G.N.; Chowdary K.U.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 102,8P: 3335-3339(Scopus)
Desavathu P.B.; Sudhakar K.; Tata B.; Pavuluri B.P.; Sowjanya G.N.; Kumar G.P.; Chowdary K.U.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 102,8P: 3523-3527(Scopus)
Title: An efficient and miniaturized ultra-thin tunable UWB graphene metasurface absorber for terahertz gap regime
Maurya N.K.; Ghosh J.; Kumari S.; Ram G.C.; Krishna R.
Source: Current Applied Physics Volume: 68,P: 85-97(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Pixelated slot-based dual-broadband tunable graphene metasurface absorber design through excitation of coupled modes in terahertz regime
Maurya N.K.; Tripta; Ghosh J.
Source: Diamond and Related Materials Volume: 149,P: 1-12(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Design and analysis of multichannel 10 nm nanosheet FinFET varying space region materials and doping concentrations
Valiveti H.B.; Rajput I.J.; Udaya Kumar N.; Lohiya H.; Sri Uma Suseela R.; Singla A.; Rajvanshi S.
Source: Cogent Engineering Volume: 11,1P: 1-9(Scopus)
Title: Discovery of Liver Malignance Using Convolution Neural Network Variant
Kumar P.R.; Ravuri V.; Balaji T.; Kaveti K.K.; Kumar G.P.; Muniyandy E.; Jaya N.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 102,10P: 5390-5395(Scopus)
Title: A deep learning-based channel estimation and joint adaptive hybrid beamforming approach for mm-wave massive MIMO with group-of-subarrays
Srinivas C.V.V.S.; Borugadda S.
Source: International Journal of Communication Systems Volume: 59,P: 1-22(Scopus)
Title: Application of machine learning techniques for churn prediction in the telecom business
Krishna R.; Jayanthi D.; Shylu Sam D.S.; Kavitha K.; Maurya N.K.; Benil T.
Source: Results in Engineering Volume: 24,P: 1-12(Scopus)
Title: Area and Power Efficient Least Mean Square Adaptive Filter Using Approximate Arithmetic
Srinivasa Raju G.R.L.V.N.; Venkata Subbarao M.; Janapala D.K.; Naga Vishnu Vardhan J.; Chinnaiah M.C.; Nalli P.K.; Sri J.T.
Source: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences Volume: 6,4P: 1765-1770(Scopus)
Title: Novel Microwave Sensor for Enhanced Biochemical Detection and Prediction Through Machine Learning for Industrial Applications
Ram G.C.; Subbarao M.V.; Sri K.P.S.; Maurya N.K.; Varma D.R.; Kumar M.P.
Source: Proceedings on Engineering Sciences Volume: 6,4P: 1711-1718(Scopus)
Mulagala Dileep, Katta Gowtham surya chandra, Murugudu Hema latha, Matta Radhika, Koram Mamatha Jyothsna, Kandulapati Sai Vamsi
Source: IJARIIE Volume: 10,2P: 1-10(GS)
Title: Multi-Objective Differential Development Using DNN for Multimodality Medical Image Fusion
Kumar M.R.; Dondapati A.; Sharma D.K.; Pareek P.; Rajchandar K.; Shalini S.
Source: Human Cancer Diagnosis and Detection Using Exascale Computing Volume: 28,P: 35-51(Scopus)
Title: Exploring the synergy of IIoT, AI, and data analytics in Industry 6.0
Vijay Arputharaj J.; William B.N.J.; Haruna A.A.; Prasad D.D.
Source: Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges, and Applications Volume: 6,P: 1-36(Scopus)
Title: Enhancing Kidney Stone Diagnosis: A Fusion Approach of FCM and CNN for Precise Detection
Chandra K.R.; Manoj T.H.; Harshitha V.; Divya S.; Swarnalatha P.; Kareem S.
Source: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
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Orugu R.; Padamata S.; Kollati Y.; Nakka L.; Nunna Y.; Mamidi R.S.M.
Source: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2024 Volume: 6,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: IOT Enabled Smart Fuel Station Management System
Sugumaran S.; Sowmya J.M.; Siva M.V.; Rishitha N.; Sagar M.K.G.S.; Ganesh M.
Source: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2024, ICNWC 2024 Volume: 2,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Robust Channel Estimation and Performance Evaluation of OFDM Through AWGN Channel
Yallapu S.; Sravani P.; Koushik Reddy S.; Karthikeya S.S.; Naveen T.; Lakshman S.
Source: Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, DICCT 2024 Volume: 15,P: 514-517(Scopus)
Title: Real-Time Object Recognition with Voice Feedback for Visually Impaired Based on Raspberry Pi
Vijendra Kumar D.; Kammampati V.R.; Tapasvi B.; Indira Priyadarsini K.; Konakalla E.P.; Killamsetti H.K.
Source: Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies, DICCT 2024 Volume: 15,P: 436-439(Scopus)
Title: Polarization-Insensitive Metasurface-Biosensor for Glycosuria Sensing in Terahertz Regime
Maurya N.K.; Pareek P.; Singh L.; Kumari S.; Ghosh J.
Source: 2024 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium, WAMS 2024 Volume: 29,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Tunable UWB/Narrowband Terahertz Metasurface Absorber Through Controlled Relaxation Time
Maurya N.K.; Krishna R.; Ghosh J.; Subramanian S.
Source: 2024 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium, WAMS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: An Efficient Cancer Detection Model Using ML and Transfer Learning Techniques
Raja Rao P.B.V.; Prasad M.; Kiran Sree P.; Satyanarayana Murty P.T.; S Mallesh A.; Satyanarayana B.V.V.
Source: International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques, ICDCOT 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: SSP based Coplanar Waveguide Filter for Sensing Applications
Ram G.C.; Yuvaraj S.; Anitha M.; Kumar D.G.; Maurya N.K.; Shilpa N.
Source: International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques, ICDCOT 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Smart Peripatetic Food Feeding System for Aquafarm
Padmavathy N.; Venu M.; Valarmathi B.; Chinnaiah M.; Prasanthi B.; Sharif M.G.
Source: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation, IATMSI 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Exploring Multipath Acoustic Propagation in Deep Water Environments based on SOFAR
Rao Ch V.; Reddy D.G.S.; Kiran G.U.; Vardhan D.H.; Kumar J.R.; Bilal A.; Killamsetti H.K.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: FPGA Implementation of Correlator for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Systems
Satyanarayana B.V.V.; Teja N.S.S.; Pavan M.; Smrini K.; Kumar G.P.; Budumuru P.R.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-8(Scopus)
Title: Analyzing Multipath Acoustic Channel in Deep Water Based on Surface Ducts
Praveena V.; Sai G.P.; Lathasri B.; Kumar C.S.; Bhargava Ram D.; Venkata Krishna A.T.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Medical Image Denoising based on Deep Neural Network
Sharmila K.S.; Santhosh K.N.S.K.; Shaik A.R.; Gudipudi P.; Kumar G.P.; Chandra K.R.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Analyzing Multipath Fading in Deep Water Through Signal to Noise Ratio
Rao Ch V.; Alekhya N.L.; Rahaman M.M.; Swamy Naidu K.R.R.; Imran M.; Pujasri K.; Killamsetti H.K.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2024 Volume: 1,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Design and Development of Dynamic Water Quality Monitoring System for Aquaculture
Srinivas Y.; Ramesh Kumar Reddy C.; Pavani T.; Satyanarayana Raju K.; Parasa B.S.; Killamsetti H.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, IDCIoT 2024 Volume: ,P: 1013-1017(Scopus)
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Thommandru R.; Krishna C.M.; Suguna N.; Alamelu Alias Rajasree S.; Sathish M.; Kiran K.
Source: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, IDCIoT 2024 Volume: ,P: 191-196(Scopus)
Title: Tunable UWB Metasurface Absorber for Smart City Compatible IoT Applications
Maurya N.K.; Kumari S.; Pareek P.; Ghosh J.; Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 231-240(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Multicast Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Padmavathy N.; Srinivas K.; Srinivas P.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 273-287(Scopus)
Title: LUT-Based Area-Optimized Accurate Multiplier Design for Signal Processing Applications
Satyanarayana B.V.V.; Lakshmi B.K.S.; Kumar G.P.; Srinivas K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 309-317(Scopus)
Title: Comparison of Acoustic Channel Characteristics for Direct and Multipath Models in Shallow and Deep Water
Kandi V.V.R.; Kishore J.; Kaivalya M.; Sankar M.R.; Matsa N.; Kumar N.V.P.S.; Venkateswara Rao C.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 327-337(Scopus)
Title: An Efficient Denoising of Medical Images Through Convolutional Neural Network
Soni Sharmila K.; Manikanta S.P.; Santosh Kumar Patra P.; Satyanarayana K.; Ramesh Chandra K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 459-470(Scopus)
Title: Maixdock Based Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using CNN
Ramani P.; Vani R.; Sugumaran S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 186-197(Scopus)
Title: A Chest X-Ray Image Based Model for Classification and Detection of Diseases
Yallapu S.; Madam A.K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 422-432(Scopus)
Title: Schizophrenia Identification Through Deep Learning on Spectrogram Images
Prabhakara Rao A.; Prasanna Kumar G.; Ranjan R.; Venkata Subba Rao M.; Srinivasulu M.; Sravya E.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 3-11(Scopus)
Title: Smart IV Bag System for Effective Monitoring of Patients
Varma A.K.C.; Bhargav M.S.S.; Venkateswara Rao C.; Orugu R.; Srinivas C.V.V.S.; Kiran K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 308-316(Scopus)
Title: Optimal Time Splitting in Wireless Energy Harvesting-Enabled Sensor Networks
Bepari D.; Mondal S.; Pareek P.; Gupta N.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 241-252(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Optical Links: With and Without Forward Error Correcting Codes
Lakshmi K.D.; Sugumaran S.; Srinivas K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 193-204(Scopus)
Title: Efficient Fuel Delivery at Your Fingertips: Developing a Seamless On-Demand Fuel Delivery App with Flutter
Mishra N.; Raghuwanshi R.; Maurya N.K.; Kumar I.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 134-147(Scopus)
Title: Equalization Based Soft Output Data Detection for Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Using Coordinate Descent
Pavan Kumar Chodisetti L.S.S.; Donga M.; Tella P.V.; Pasipalana Rao K.; Ramesh Chandra K.; Budumuru P.R.; Venkateswara Rao C.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 173-184(Scopus)
Title: Design and Parametric Study of Monopole Blade Antenna for UHF-Band Aerospace Applications
Kumari S.; Maurya N.K.; Tripta; Sarkar A.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 253-261(Scopus)
Title: Transmission Losses Due to Surface Reflections in Deep Water for Multipath Model
Kandi V.V.R.; Rajesh P.; Sridhara S.V.K.; Nalam P.U.V.S.N.P.K.; Rao B.S.S.; Sankar M.R.; Rao C.V.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 262-272(Scopus)
Title: Optimization of Single Image Dehazing Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform
Sankar M.R.; Krishna P.R.; Yamini A.; Manikanta C.; Swathika R.R.; Tulasi Y.T.; Raju B.E.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 414-421(Scopus)
Title: Analysis of Acoustic Channel Characteristics in Shallow Water Based on Multipath Model
Durgachandramouli Y.; Sailaja A.; Josephson P.J.; Prasad T.N.; Prasad K.E.; Sankar M.R.; Rao C.V.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 288-297(Scopus)
Title: Full Swing Logic Based Full Adder for Low Power Applications
Prasad D.D.; Satyanarayana B.V.V.; J V.A.; Shaik A.R.; Indirapriyadarsini K.; Reddy K.V.S.R.; Hemalatha M.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 19-36(Scopus)
Title: A Web-Based Vaccine Distribution System for Covid-19 Using Vaxallot
Valarmathi B.; Srinivasa Gupta N.; Prakash G.; BarathyKolappan A.; Padmavathy N.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 352-373(Scopus)
Title: Investigation of Highly Sensitive and Linearly Responsive SAW Based Gas Sensor for Better N2 Detection
Harathi N.; Pasuluri B.; Sarkar A.; Maurya N.K.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 205-215(Scopus)
Title: Area Efficient and Ultra Low Power Full Adder Design Based on GDI Technique for Computing Systems
Kumar T.S.; Rao I.R.S.N.; Vinod Y.S.; Harika P.; Satyanarayana B.V.V.; Pravin A.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 63-75(Scopus)
Title: Brain Tumor Classification Through MR Imaging: A Comparative Analysis
Prasanna Kumar G.; Kiran K.; Penmetsa K.; Indira Priyadarsini K.; Budumuru P.R.; Srinivas Y.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 446-458(Scopus)
Title: A Fusion of Histogram Equalization Technique and Fuzzy Logic for Sustained Enhancement of images
Padmavathy N.; Suresh Naidu N.; Harshitha V.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-20(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Multi-class Lung Cancer Detection
Kumar M.P.; Ram G.C.; Ravuri V.; Venkata Subbarao M.; Abdul Rahaman S.K.; Nandan T.P.K.
Source: Proceedings - 2024 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking, ICPCSN 2024 Volume: ,P: 414-418(Scopus)
Title: Analyzing the Performance of Various NOMA Systems Based on User Count and Minimum Rate Demand
Chandra K.R.; Basamsetti A.; Swathi K.; Kumar N.V.P.S.; Durga V.B.; Raju B.E.
Source: 2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Deep Learning Associated with Linear Regression for Heart beat Rate (HBR) and Respiration Rate(RR) Measurement
Ramasamy V.; Sugumaran S.; Praveen K.V.; Ramani P.; Nagaranibandaru V.
Source: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Intelligent Communication Systems, ICITEICS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Adams Optimized Image Restoration Using Multi-Level Wavelet CNN with Added Noise
Manikanta S.; Uma Vyshnavi V.; Tharani Pragna T.; Anupama Salmon T.; Saibaba R.; Elisha Raju B.
Source: 2024 IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems: Interdisciplinary Technologies for Sustainable Future, SCES 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Metasurface Perfect Absorber With Wide Frequency Tunability for Smart Terahertz Applications
Maurya N.K.; Ram G.C.
Source: 2024 IEEE Space, Aerospace and Defence Conference, SPACE 2024 Volume: ,P: 853-856(Scopus)
Title: Graphene Metasurface Absorber for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding in Future Space Applications
Maurya N.K.; Singh P.; Ram G.C.
Source: 2024 IEEE Space, Aerospace and Defence Conference, SPACE 2024 Volume: ,P: 322-325(Scopus)
Title: Automatic Smart Shopping Basket Based on IoT Applications
Sarman K.V.S.H.G.; Kumar A.; Brahmam S.N.V.Ch.; Prasanthi E.; Durgesh S.Ch.; Sashank V.S.A.
Source: 2024 2nd World Conference on Communication and Computing, WCONF 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Li-Fi Technology for Visible Light Communication in Text and Audio Transmission
Murthy S.V.S.N.; Vallabhareddi S.; Varma A.V.S.S.; Praveena V.; Pavani K.; Vijjapu A.
Source: 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2024 Volume: ,P: 627-632(Scopus)
Title: Plasmonic-Mode Driven Graphene Metasurface Perfect Absorber with Wide Frequency Agility
Maurya N.K.; Prasad K.S.; Phaneeth K.S.V.S.V.; Vasavi N.; Meghana N.; Raju K.P.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technologies, ICEECT 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: Preface-1
Pareek P.; Gupta N.; Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 5-6(Scopus)
Title: Preface-2
Pareek P.; Gupta N.; Reis M.J.C.S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 5-6(Scopus)
Title: Message from Dean-Research & Development
Padmavathy N.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 1-2(Scopus)
Title: Novel multi-port converter for distributed MPPT operation in solar PV system
Prakash Korlepara N.S.D.; Elanchezhian E.B.; Pragaspathy S.; Subramanian S.
Source: Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET) Volume: 79,P: 32-37(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Application of Paired Problem Solving Effective Identification of Misconceptions
Korlepara N.S.D.P.
Source: Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume: 37,Spl2P: 695-699(Scopus)
Title: Assessment of Power Quality Enhancement in a Grid-tied PV Network via ANN-based UPQC
Kumar C.P.; Elanchezhian E.B.; Subramani P.; Subramanian S.
Source: Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Volume: 17,5P: 475-485(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: A Photovoltaic-based Novel Transformerless High Gain Converter for DC Microgrid Applications
Ramasamy K.; Subramani P.; Venkitusamy K.; Kadali K.S.; Sankaranarayanan S.; Ganesh M.S.R.
Source: Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Volume: 17,2P: 147-158(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Cutting-Edge Climate Analysis: Combining MLP-GRU and Remote Sensing Technologies
Shaik R.K.; Priya S.S.; Saranya N.; R K.; Ramya S.; Thiagarajan R.
Source: Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences Volume: 7,4P: 348-363(Scopus)
Title: The capacity estimation of Li–Ion battery using ML-based hybrid model
Talluri M.T.; Murugesan S.; Karthikeyan V.; Pragaspathy S.
Source: Electrical Engineering Volume: ,P: 1-11(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Single-Phase Grid and Solar PV Integration with 15-Level Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter
Siva A.; Palleswari Y.T.R.; Kadali K.S.; Bhukya R.; Deenakonda M.; Inti V.V.V.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 37-47(Scopus)
Title: Comparative Analysis of PWM Methods for Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter
Deenakonda M.; Inti V.V.V.; Swamy G.R.; Lavanya M.; Bhavani P.; Rao B.T.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 86-95(Scopus)
Title: Performance Evaluation of Off Grid Hybrid Distribution System with ANFIS Controller
Gandham N.V.K.; Subramani P.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 3-18(Scopus)
Title: Exploring Machine Learning Models for Solar Energy Output Forecasting
Kasireddy I.; Reddy V.M.; Naveen P.; Vardhan G.H.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 536,P: 210-217(Scopus)
Title: IoT-Based Hi-Tech Battery Charger for Modern EVs
Inti V.V.V.; Deenakonda M.; Bhanupriya N.; RajyaLakshmi.Ch; Yalla T.R.P.; Siva A.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 76-85(Scopus)
Title: A Review on Charging Control and Discharging Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Distribution Grid
Suresh Reddy M.; Dev Choudhury N.B.; Kasireddy I.; Biswas S.
Source: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Volume: 537,P: 48-62(Scopus)
Title: Performance Comparison of Random Forest Regressor and Support Vector Regression for Solar Energy Prediction
Lakshmi Yerrabolu V.; Kasireddy I.; Jasmine K.M.; Murali Krishna Vamsi T.B.; Joshua N.; Shyam Kumar V.; Rao D.S.N.M.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-7(Scopus)
Title: Sustainable Parking Innovations: Enhancing Security with IoT and Facial Image Recognition
Deenakonda M.; Vijetha Inti V.V.; Chakravarthi B.N.Ch.V.; Rajyalakshmi C.; Palleswari Y.T.R.; Siva A.; Kethan Sai Pranay M.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-11(Scopus)
Title: Real-Time Precision Irrigation System for Optimal Crop Yield and Water Conservation
Prakash Korlepara N.S.D.; Narasimha Raju V.S.N.; Satyanarayana P.V.V.; Sunil Kumar V.; Jahnavi Priya Y.; Harsha Vardan D.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-11(Scopus)
Title: 11-Level Cascaded half-bridge Multilevel inverter with Capacitor Switched Technology for Photovoltaic Systems
Palleswari Y.T.R.; Siva A.; Kalyan Sagar K.; Ramu B.; Deenakonda M.; Vijetha Inti V.V.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-11(Scopus)
Title: Efficient High-Gain Voltage Converter Design Utilizing ASL & PSC Networks for Low-Voltage Renewable Energy Integration
Karthikkumar S.; Devendrakumar P.; Nadish R.S.; Shanmathi P.; Subramani P.; Chandrasekaran R.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Advances in Modern Age Technologies for Health and Engineering Science, AMATHE 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-8(Scopus)
Title: An Advanced Integration Strategy for a DSWIG BasedWES and DSPVS in a Typical Microgrid Network
Korlepara N.S.D.P.; Elenchezhian E.B.; Pragaspathy S.
Source: Proceedings - 2024 International Conference on Social and Sustainable Innovations in Technology and Engineering, SASI-ITE 2024 Volume: ,P: 213-218(Scopus)
Title: Enhancing Network Security with Multifused Cryptography: Integrating IoT and AI
Loretta G.I.; Kasireddy I.; Prameela M.; Rao D.S.N.M.; Kalaiyarasi M.; Saravanan S.
Source: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Network Security, ICDSNS 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: ANFIS with PI Control of Interleaved DC-DC Converter for EV Charging Systems
Gatla R.K.; Kasireddy I.; Rao D.S.N.M.; Narukullapti B.K.; Kumar D.G.; Babu P.C.
Source: 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SEFET 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Tuning Reduced-order Error-based ADRC for FOPDT processes using Magnitude optimum approach
Srikanth M.V.; Duvvuri S.S.; Varma S.D.K.; Koduri O.; Swaroop K.P.; Narasimharaju V.S.N.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Investigation of Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters in Solar Photovoltaic Applications
Palleswari Yalla T.R.; Siva A.; Swaroopg K.P.; Durga Prasad G.; Deenakonda M.; Banothu R.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Local Mean Decomposition Based Passive Islanding Detection for Utility Grid Interfaced PV Inverter
Koduri O.; Duvvuri S.S.; Madhuri S.G.; Malladi S.; Varma S.D.K.; Narasimharaju V.S.N.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-4(Scopus)
Title: Design and Implementation of High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter for solar PV Applications
Asapu S.; Palleswari Y.T.R.; Rapaka P.S.; Bade M.C.; Deenakonda M.; Banothu R.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Title: Dual switch High Gain Boost Converter for DC microgrid Applications
Asapu S.; Kadali K.S.; Ganesh M.S.R.; Dangeti L.K.; Amritha K.; Kumar C.P.
Source: 2024 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Green and Sustainable Technologies, ICCIGST 2024 - Proceedings Volume: ,P: 1-5(Scopus)
Ramesh M.R.R.; Ganesh D.; Kumar N.P.; Stephen M.J.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 102,4P: 1665-1672(Scopus)
Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics and transformation of the Parana State coastline: A 34-year analysis using RS, GIS, and machine learning
Ramesh M.R.R.; Aramanda N.R.; Kumar N.P.; Babu K P.; Ravi Kumar D.V.
Source: Journal of South American Earth Sciences Volume: 148,P: 148-153(Scopus)
Title: Heart Failure Predictive Analysis Using Decision Tree Classification
Venkata Subbarao Manne
Source: International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research Volume: 9,2P: 1-8(GS)
Title: Standard Encryption Methodologies to Process Multi-Modality Medical Images for Diagnosing in Telemedicine
Shyamala Madhuri P.; Amutha B.; Nagendrakumar D.J.
Source: Algorithms in Advanced Artificial Intelligence Volume: ,P: 238-248(Scopus)
Title: Enhanced Security in Smart City GAN-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in WSNs
Sirigineedi M.; Manke A.; Verma S.; Baskar K.
Source: Enhancing Security in Public Spaces Through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Volume: ,P: 162-176(Scopus)
Title: Fortifying machine learning, data privacy, and secure collaboration: Privacy-preserving machine learning
Madhuri P.S.; Amutha B.; Kumar D.J.N.
Source: Machine Learning and Cryptographic Solutions for Data Protection and Network Security Volume: ,P: 172-191(Scopus)
Title: Enhancing Wireless Sensor Network Routing Strategies with Machine Learning Protocols
Veeranjaneyulu K.; Lakshmi M.; Venkateswara Swamy S.; Sirisha K.; Nagarjuna N.; Anupkant S.
Source: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2024, ICNWC 2024 Volume: ,P: 1-7(Scopus)
Title: A Enhancing Data Security Solutions for Smart Energy Systems in IoT-Enabled Cloud Computing Environments through Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques
Naga Rani Bandaru V.; Gayatri Sarman Kaligotla V.S.H.; Dhana Satya Prathap Varma U.; Prasadaraju K.; Sugumaran S.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 2-12(Scopus)
Title: Detection of Leaf Black Sigatoka Disease in Enset Using Convolutional Neural Network
Senthil Kumar A.; Ademe M.; Ananda Kumar K.S.; Adusumalli S.; Venkata Subbarao M.; Sudhakar K.
Source: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume: 840,P: 301-310(Scopus)
Title: Multi Response Optimization of Cold Extrusion Parameters on AA 2024 Alloy Using TOPSIS
Francy K.A.; Rao C.S.
Source: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Volume: ,P: 1-15(Scopus)
Title: Effect of Vortex Generator Placement and Nanofluids on Channel Flow Heat Transfer
Kummitha O.R.; Dwarshala S.K.R.; Chary K.; Mangam V.; Chirala H.; Battina N.M.
Source: Heat Transfer Engineering Volume: 45,17-18P: 1523-1537(Scopus) (WoS)
Title: Enhancing Strength and Surface Quality of 3D-Printed Metal-Infused Filaments in Fused Deposition Modelling †
Ganga R.S.K.V.; Inala R.; Jowdula C.S.; Matti P.; Malleswararao B.N.
Source: Engineering Proceedings Volume: 66,1P: 1-4(Scopus)
Madugula S.; Gunda A.; Srinivas Y.; Kotaiah N.C.; Raju G.N.; Badipati S.G.; Bhavitha B.
Source: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Volume: 102,21P: 7615-7623(Scopus)
Title: A framework for prediction of extrusion responses using machine learning algorithm
Manohar G.; Francy K.A.; Rao C.S.
Source: International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing Volume: ,P: 1-14(Scopus)
Title: Numerical Investigation of Phase-Changing Material Filled Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Fins
Nagireddy P.D.; Shankar Vikas M.; Sudi V.S.S.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 651-660(Scopus)
Title: Development of bagasse/PLA composites, its mechanical & chemical properties: A review
Sai D.S.; Singh S.K.; Chattaraj A.; Chandhu K.V.; Durga D.S.L.; Samudram L.P.; Kumar D.H.; Singh J.I.P.
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 2962,1P: 1-6(Scopus)
Title: Static Stress Analysis of Dental Crown with Different Materials Using Finite Element Approach
Ramu I.; Chandra Sekhar J.; Manikanta N.V.V.; Venu M.; Malleswararao Battina N.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 431-439(Scopus)
Title: Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of a Crab Shell Hybrid Composite
Narasinga Rao G.; Daloji L.; Revanth D.; Ramu I.
Source: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Volume: ,P: 489-499(Scopus)
Title: Message from Patron, Principal
Venu M.
Source: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume: 1375,1P: 1-27(Scopus)